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Do you know why it doesn't appear when I search for it with its tags?

Maybe you got some settings on (like hide adult games) something. Or are you talking about something else?

Could most likely be that itch doesn't like this game because of it's content.


This is like the five millionth time someone asks this, but how do you get the uncensored mosaics? I tried the console command of "C 0" and it didn't work. Any help?

As far as I know it was removed. You need 1.0.1 for it to work.


Hola, alguien me podría decir por que no lo puedo comprar?


They should add that the zombie get you pregnant 



People, please tell me how to get to the location with spiders, I'm stuck and can't figure out how to get to the spiders.

How are you stuck? At the spider web or somewhere else? You need to break the web if that's where you're stuck.


Hi, I really enjoyed your game. And I wanna share with you a suggestion, it is a big one, but it might give us players more content to look up to in the future.

Could you add minigame minibosses? They will be not necessary encounters, and to get through them you will have to win minigame, as a reward you will get new self pleasure styles (like candy cane vibrator). Those encounters might be: Fly king. Fast moving huge fly, the captures you, it will grab you, fill with a lot of sperm and 1 king fly egg, to avoid it you will have to hide under the objects. Reward - right + V to start playing with fly eggs (like anal balls).

next could be tentacles Core, to get to it you will have to be captured by tentacles wall trap and you will get transported deep inside the wall (like spider wall trap). Once inside the walls (narov tunnels) you will have a choice of just leaving or getting to fight tentacle core. To win you will have avoid traps and shoot down infection cores witch will pop up. You will get more then enough magazins for your gun through out the fight. Reward - tentacle baby up + V.
Next could be mother spider. I don't know what you will do with it, but reward could be spider breads left + V


OK, I know how to make it even better!

Right now there is only one ending and it is good, but I think they might add bad ending if you become to corrupted.

Now firstly, Fly king. Once you go right inside the fly room and talk with girl witch is being fucked by fly you will be able to talk with her. She will say "here they come... egg number 11 and 12" after that several flys will come out from the new door in that room and take her in. Once you get 12 fly eggs, you can come there again and now you will be taken to the Fly King room. Once you complete it's minigame he will impregnate you with "king fly egg" and kick you out. Now just wait and you will give birth to your NEW PET! Yes baby, pets! "Baby Fly King" will have 15 charges and he will shoot out projectiles (like plant boss one's) each dealing 0.5 damage. To reload you will have to "play with him" by pressing right+V.

Now tentacles core. Same thing, talk to girl, but now instead of getting 12 eggs you will have to wait for 5 minutes inside tentacles wall trap. Win minigame and get yourself "New Hive Mind Core". This pet will deal close range damage of 1 and will have 5 charges. Press up+V to reload

To get to mother spider you will have to have sex with all spiders in the cave, final one will tape you in webs and take you to his queen. "Little Queen Spider" will shoot slowing enemies down web. It will have 1 charge. To reload it press left+V.

Getting pets will level your corruption by 1. So once you collect all 3 you will be on final stage.

Also after having sex with horse and having at least one pet you will unlock fast travel.

If you collect all 3 pets and win the game you will get "True ending" where you become a new magic soldier with code name "beast master"


Yo considero que tus ideas son muy pero muy buenas por si hay una actualización donde agreguen nuevas cosas, una cosa que podrían agregar sería una nueva zona donde haya más animaciones de sexo, como araña y mosca. Lo único que considero malo de tus ideas fueron la de recolectar a las 3 mascotas para un final verdadero, yo considero de que si fuera un final sería uno donde Syahata se corrompe totalmente y termina como una de las varias chicas que aparecen por el mapa


Ojala el creador lo lea xd

No hablo español, pero agradezco mucho que mi sugerencia haya sido bien recibida. Creo que el final que sugieres podría ser malo, ya que podría convertirse en una mutante de alto nivel, como el primer jefe, pero mujer, o si tu corrupción llega al nivel 3, se convertirá en un tipo de monstruo completamente nuevo y será su reina. Pero no lo sé. 🫲😏🫱

The good ending is the one already in the game. The bad ending you suggested would be too good to be the bad ending. Although I think the queen is the plant boss that appears at the end of the game because she has a crown. I think if we got the bad ending, new outfits could be unlocked or the ability to go naked, basically because Syahata is the one who wants to have sex with the monsters and not escape.

Yo no hablo inglés pero uso el traductor de Google para leer tu comentario xdd

Does anyone know if the "end" at the end of the game is real or if it's the end of the update?, Is the game's story over?

Maybe so, because now jashinn is making a new game. There’s a possibility that jashinn will come back to this game and make some update in some point in the future, but I think mostly not

Sad 😢

Hello, i am a huge fan of the game and the creator, and i would like to buy the game. But the payment methods on Fantia are japanese only i think. And i live in europe.... can some1 help me actually somehow buy the game? :c

You can go to dlsite, where you can buy the game with dlpoint, which can be bought by other currencies. I found this helpful help:

An easy get around is to use the dlsite points system, you pay on a website like ‘for books’ for a gift card, the only way I found to access it is through dlsite-> points-> purchase points -> purchase with card, it’s still a bit of a chore but less of a chore then using other methods and been using this to get the works, as 1 point is 1 yen, but do be aware of like transfer fees cause you’re still buying using yen, but it’s only a few $ or £ or €

El juego es muy parecido a Parasite city, solo que con algunas cosas más y otras menos. Ej: Los detalles, en parasite city se ve que a la rubia no le gusta del todo cuando los monstruos la agarran a diferencia de Syahara que se ve que si le gusta xdd

there will be another update?

are there any cheat codes for the demo version

could have more types of scenes h.... it would be great on steam

Yo creo que, en caso de una próxima actualización, se agreguen algunos pequeños detalles como que cuando somos atacados y empiezan las animaciones, se agregue el detalle de ver la falda de syahata tirada en el piso. En algunas animaciónes de los monstruos de la nada desaparece la falda o la ropa de abajo de Syahata, mayormente en los ataques de los tentáculos, sería un pequeño detalle que podría mejorar el juego para algunos, aunque para otros no le tomen importancia 

Aún así, buen juego. Luego de pasármelo lo intenté pero sin tener sexo pero me quedé sin balas y usaron a Syahata como un juguete 

how do i buy the game

You cam no longer buy the game here. You can buy the game from fantia, ci-en or dlsite


Would have liked to buy your game but whatever then...

is there supposed to be a game over scene for the first boss? i just get a black screen when i die

If you have the paid version, you should have ~(=^‥^)ノ


It not new one new version yet  lasteast  version yet 88.5 she said this hundred of patron  was this game open two site it on one Japanese  you can pay for both have become a member  of her she will give to you

see uncensored  yeah  lying please you think me not call me lying 

yeah it no lie

Please remove coma only C 0 type

It work on

Sorry 88.4 version

To Uncensor the game over open the console and type "C 0" it has to be 8.44 version i i remember   and perss name icon  it open code


Una pregunta cuando saldrá el próximo juego? O aun no tiene una fecha?

(1 edit)

Is there a discord server for your art and releases I see alot of jp sites but im only English and

How can I enter comands on android

Anyone knows all the console commands? I Wana get a lot of ammo and just spray the enemies after beating the game like 4 times already 

(1 edit)

You can see list of commands on jashinn’s twitter (or X). It’s @jashinn4264 if I’m not wrong

I feel like the first boss should be like mr x and follow you around the map that or a mr x type character who can only be knocked but not killed follows you through the game only after you beat the game once


When will the game be released?

The game is already released but you cant buy it in you have to go to ci-en


Is there pregnancy

Yes. Will you play the game?

Yes but how

How what? How to play the game? Or how to get pregnancy? If it’s the second one, get r*ped by the spider, flies or tentacles

I bought it on DLSite and the game defeat animations on Android are all broken for me is anyone else having this issue? It's like looping the animation and haven't found a solution yet unless it's something that the dev needs to fix

Some older phones that don't support Vulkan api may cause animation playback issues.

You can try turning off the full screen mode in the options and lowering the resolution.

I have a new Samsung Galaxy A35 2024 and also tried all resolutions and no full-screen

Ps: it supports Vulkan api

Can you send a screenshot?

Is it possible to get full version on itch or no?

No. Itch removed the ability to buy it here. You'd need to go to DLSite in order to purchase it

I already have it from DLsite- has that version been updated? It doesn't look like it has...?

I also bought it on DLsite, but it doesn't update there.


for whatever reason the controlls for the tank are not working, any advice on how to fix that?

yeah its bugging out for me too

I bought the pixiv version how to remove the mosaics or censor?

Me ocurrió un error en el primer nivel que ya no me dejó avanzar es que después de bajar al sótano y reactivar la energía al momento de salir o mejor dicho subir la imagen se puso totalmente en negro y ya no me dejó hacer nada 🥲

el nuevo juego será para android tambien?

เวอร์ชั่น อัพเดทมีอะไรเพิ่มมาบ้าง

What is new in this update? 

I have paid version.

Remove mosaics from the zombie Dog ヾ(•ω•`)o

Hi do you have twitter account? 


Yes, it appears as JaShinn

I think it not everyday online 


It's JaShinn4264 on Twitter

Finally beat it, it's difficult, but one of the best side scrollers I've played. Amazing content. Full version on DLSite is worth the trouble

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