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И по другому стала галерея, но мне кажется что нужно немного обновить версию до 0.88.4. Там должно именно быть анимации паука, собаки и мутировшее существо. Ещё яма и мутировшие грибы. И все на этом и немного исправить небольшую ошибку.

You only need to ask once

Народ короче я прошел игру, но там в галереей нету анимации паука, собаки и мутировшее существо. И ещё нету ямы и грибы мутировшие это специально так сделано или нет? Это у вас так же?

It’s not implemented yet. And please translate your question into english.


why the game has stopped selling?

Random thing on itch’s rule. Go to ci-em on jashinn’s itch profile

So you think the game is kind banned on itch?

You can’t call it banned but yeah

In this version, the gallery does not open even though I have defeated the plant boss. What should I do?

The gallery is only available in paid version. But there is a bug that the gallery nit showing up there


I reached the end so next time I will arrive totally virgin 

Well, you can modify the amount of white liquid inside syahata to zero lol

How to do that?i'm using android

Put Player.RifleMagazine = 10 or any number of your choice into the console

I don't know how to make it a game on mobile

when will the purchase will be awailable?

Not on itch due to some random rule. Go to ci-en on jashinn’s itch profile

Hey intrnseLag did JaShinn make 88.4 for Android?

Я буду этому рад.


Ты можешь использовать vpn. (You can use vpn)

Hello JaShinn!

 I'm having a little problem with the game and I don't know what to do. Can you help me? 

What should I do after Shayata said this or is it my fault? 


Your corruption value is not up to standard,

You can directly attack the core above or increase your corruption value ヾ(•ω•`)o

thank you! I did :3

Привет джашинн а почему нет анимации паука, собаки и мутировшее существо? И почему нет ямы и мутировшие грибы с особым эффектом? Я думаю что это нужно исправить версию до 0.88.4 версия исправление ошибок. Там должны быть анимации паука, собаки и мутировшее существо, яма и грибы.

Dog, spider game over is not implemented yet. Next update perhaps


Exhausting this update is.

Сколько нужно патрон чтоб убить боса цветка

Ребят как убрать цензуру? Я сейчас на другом сайте скачал, но я нажал <<C O>>, и прочие но они не работают.

(2 edits)

“On other site” 💀 those sites haven’t updated yet. They probably only have v0.79 or v0.88.1


Hello, dear developer. Great update as always. Aside from bugs, mentioned by the other people (haven't faced any of them myself), I have several questions.

1) Have you thought about making a Discord server?

2) Will there ever be a location with poison/aphrodisiac fumes which slowly make Syahata lose health/fill the lust bar? That comes with a time-based gas mask, to which the player will have to seek filters.

3) Some enemies (well, most of them) have their bodies lying around after Syahata kills them. That got me thinking (props to "The adventures of Kincaid"): what if enemies that were killed with a broom wouldn't be actually killed but knocked unconscious? So Syahata could "have fun" with them, like the protagonist in Kincaid does. If it is not implemented into this game, then it's just a food for your thoughts.

Thanks for reading all that and have a great day! :)

Thanks for the suggestion. Discord may be created in the future ヾ(•ω•`)o

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作者您好,請問在通關後的NPC色色的畫廊裡,能否把教學大樓二樓教室裡那個癱在課桌上的女生也加入呢? 看到她一直沒有被收納進畫廊。


Коли буде наступне оновлення

Doubt that


ты гений блять!?Разраб старался и тут уже "когда обновление?" , дайте ему отдохнуть. Пусть отдохнёт и он начнёт работу. Думаю раз в месяц что-то да будет

is there a date or something for fixed version release? playing with the bugs version make me dizzy.

A few days? Jashinn needs a break and everything. You can wait. Idk

El jefe está muy dificil ya que los controles no responden correctamente, al poner "C 0" me sigue tirando la misma pantalla negra

I'm trying to buy the version through itch, but won't let me. :(

You can't buy in itch for some reason 

Random itch’s rule

Go to co-en on jashinn’s itch profile. You can have the option to translate it by right click the page

School boss death animation not working :(

Всем привет и доброе утро.


How come I don't have animation Slime girl and tentacles

That's a charge.

It’s not implemented yet


the bug where the final boss won't appear still giving me a problem no matter how many times I try ResetMainMission, what should I do

I just got it to work where the bench is in the boss room walk back to the previous room then type the ResetMainMission and walk back into the boss room it works 100% of the time

pick up the ammo is the boss room first as you will need it

Hi syahata,umm i just play the latest version and finally open the gallery again,but theres a something weird,the game over animation its seems like stuck,like its just olay for 1 second and then back to the loop again,could you please fix it?

I restarted my phone and then everything works again

Its not worked on me((ToT)


Stuck on the bug where the boss doesn't show up and invisible box blocking me ;~;

(I've tried ResetMainMission so many times and closing and opening the game)


Use the (ResetMainMission) command next to the game save bench. Save your game. Return to title. Load your save game.

This worked on paid version atleast. Console can be opened ingame by clicking her head in the q menu (for others who may see this).

i'm new to this, i bought the game on ci-en but i don't know what to do with the file. 

for pc: download the package somewhere, use a file extractor(i use 7-zip as suggested by dlsite) and you extract the file somewhere, then you just open it and find the application and open the application.

for android: i dont know sorry...

thank you so much it worked

One question guys, does the paid version also end when we defeat the new boss?


But you don't have gallery access

(1 edit) (+1)

Bug in paid version

Respondiendo aqui a las preguntas de mi comentario anterior ya que no puedo responderles directamente: 

1) si, es la versión de paga

2) no puedo, no tengo PC y solamente tengo mi Movil Android 

It’s a bug then. You can wait a few days or sth

this new area is amazing , im so hype for the next update, maybe new futur character *0* (little bug, after saving the hud disappear and i need to change room to make it appear again)

Tengo un problema y es que cuando quiero enfrentarme al jefe planta, hay una barrera invisible y ya trate de poner el código en el menú del juego y  no me sirvió lo introduje, le di a guardar y me salí y nada,quiero preguntar si esperar a la próxima actualización para enfrentarme a ese jefe

Tienes que poner el codigo antes de entrar con el jefe despues de que hayas puesto el codigo te recomiendo guardar la partida para que no te estes dificultando con poner otra vez el codigo

Pero si ya estoy le di a guardar cuando me acerque al jefe y no le puse ese código eso quiere decir que tengo que empesar de nuevo???

Acabei de jogar a versao 88.3 toda, a atualização tá muito boa gostei muito, a proxima atualização parece que vai ser ainda melhor

When will the game be released on steam?


Nah the game wont be releash on steam,i asked

Y una cosa estraña que tengo que agregar es que cuando empiezo a grabar la pantalla la animación funciona bien despues de precionar el tiangulito para pasar a la siguiente fase, pero al terminar de grabar la animación falla de nuevo. Podrias ver si es un fallo del juego o de mi movil Android


Jashinn, hay un error en las animaciones game over, se repite una y otra vez el mismo pixel de medio segundo y no deja ver la animación completa. Estare enviando estos enlaces de los videos que grabe para que entiendas mejor el bug

It's a the paid version?


Can you try to play those on pc?

Same as me



(1 edit)

How you beat the plant boss tell me please 😭

i absolutely got u fan so there's 2 fazes the one where the plant shoots u just stand about half way from the boss and just crouch under the bullets then fire at the tentacle that shoots them then eventually there's a second faze where lightning strikes you just look at the floor and shoot the boss then your good


how did you defeat him? I can't, I can't find the weak point 

(1 edit)

the tentacle that shoots  yeah I couldn't too it doesn't seem like one but it is takes about 5-6 rifle mags doge under the projectiles 

Can u say what is new in this update?


New area. New boss. New game over.

Please, release the final version soon. I hope you get to sell it somewhere, and buy it.

The game is sold on ci-en. Go to jashinn’s itch profile

As far as I know, Ci-en is more like a "Patreon" thing for asian countries, is a monthly payment. I guess I will end up paying the monthly fee sooner or later (it is very cheap really), but I guess I am more of a "1-time-payment" person (even if it means to pay more).


Pongan este código en el círculo negro "C 0" permitira quitar el mosaico/censura, de la galeria de animaciones 

A ti te sale el bug de las cinematicas en negro??? 

osea que al pasar a la siguiente se pone en negro y se bugea ?

Me pasa, pero se puede quitar eso adelantando y atrasando la animación varias veces con las flechas, luego ir adelantando y en algún momento avanza <3

No me pasa eso al avanzar se tilda y luego o me saca al menu que es raro o me saca de la aplicacion xd

ocurre con todas las animaciones

Que raro eso

no me sirve el c 0 alguna ayuda?

no me sirve el C 0

If I have a paid version of the game. Can I open the gallery through the console?

Deleted 216 days ago

You can turned off the cencorship by clicking jashin head in menu and type C 0

(1 edit)

YouTuber reaction doesn't like your comment 🐧


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