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Everyone I got a words

Seriously Guys You don’t have to Follow me I’m not a real Jashinn I’m just a assistant Following me is ot worth for me at all so please don’t follow me

there’s a super easy solution for that. change your name to “I like jashinn” or add something such as “not real” after your current name

That is Genius Ok

Deleted 83 days ago

Go to this link Jashinn will appreciate it so much<⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>

Hello, sorry your link no longer works, how can I buy the game?


I’m go to JaShin Ci-en site


Hola Jashinn, no se sk entiendas el español (me dio hueva usar el traductor) Yo venia a preguntar si ¿has pensado en traducir el juego en otros idiomas como el ruso o español? soy mexicano y mi inglés no es muy bueno porque lo que me gustaría saber si hay una posibilidad de tener este juego al español.

Parace que Jashinn usa el traductor para traducir al inglés, no creo que valga la pena en intentar traducir a tantos idiomas diferentes cuando no gana mucho i porque la mayoría sabe o entiende el inglés lo suficiente. Así vi yo las cosas pero pude que así no sea, sabremos con el tiempo

en realidad si lo hacia, habia veces en que respondia, pero debido a tiene que actualizar y refinar detalles como por ejemplos bugs, etc. creo yo que ya no le da tiempo para responder debido a que tiene que mejorar el juego 

Probablemente así es

When next update in waiting fr

expected in june. no confirmed date


Hello Jashinn, I really like your game and I would like to ask you to add Russian language in the next update 

Hi, when will the update come out? Can't wait to play)

It estimate in June

el codigo del jefe que no lo tengo


Hey Intense what do you think about Syahaimon

Where can I get the paid version?


Here Jashinn will appreciate it so much <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>

(1 edit)

how do I translate the text on this site to English so I can know what I'm clicking

Edit: Nvm I found it

😂 lol


Hello, It would be cool if you could change the body of the main character. That is, to make the breasts or butt larger, it seems to me that many would appreciate such an idea

(1 edit) (+4)

No Syahata is 18 years old His normal main body character is perfect for the game

(1 edit)

Im stuck at the tank, the game won't exit, "also if you find a bug, let me know if you can." Then I'd still be able to move around. Unless I click the title button on the menu, I won't be able to go back to title screen. Is that normal? And the gallery is still locked


that is literally the end of this update. Gallery is only available in paid version.

Oh I see, Thanks

is there any way to pay with USD instead of yen

I don’t think so…


Since Jashinn Has been working and got a busy I’m going to assist him

I have nothing to do with my house

Why did the game stop selling?

No it’s not You can get the game In Jashinn ci-en

Deleted 163 days ago

Is there no Gallery for the Current public version? 

Gallery is only for paid version


(1 edit)

When will the new update come out?

Expected in june.

Hi Jashinn, There is a bug. when Syahata tries to hide in the horse breeding tube and windows key is pressed, the audio of cum leaking from her starts playing and i can exit the tube and walk around freely and the other Syahata is still stuck and fucked.  Also sometimes, the horse sound when it appears doesn't play and sometimes it does.


He should fixed it soon

Thank you for the Report<⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠> I’m not a real Jashinn

Thanks for the report ヾ(•ω•`)o

Hi Jashinn how are ya

Will the final update of the new game be made?

Yup I think


Oigan saben en que versión la chica se pone asi


v0.88.2 v0.88.3 and v0.88.4 I never tried v0.88.1 cause I’m stuck at v.0.79

Sabes como se hace esa pose???



First Pose Syahata will hands up When she doesn’t like sex

Second pose Syahata Will Raise his skirt to have sex Medium Addicted to sex

Third Pose Syahata will offer sex with any monster she like


a ya entiendo eso pasa dependiendo del nivel de corrupción 

3rd Pose of sex She’s addicted now very

i prefer to call those stages 




Yo the last part where the plant is supposed to be is not working I'd really like if that were fixed

Go try the v0.88.4 it’s working 100% v0.88.3 that version is kinda little bit failed for the boss fight


Hello Jashinn again! I came up with a small idea how to develop the depravity of Syahata, for example, the more Syahata was exposed to intimacy, bruises and abrasions appear on her body, even cuts from claws or the skin gets dirty with acid flies. Also, for example, you can add a snow queen boss in the New Year's DLS, who will use her staff to freeze Syahata and then attract her and use magic to make her icy by changing her skin to cold ice and her eyes become glazed (the idea took from the fairy tale Kai and Gerda) to defeat the boss, you need to light four bonfires. For defeating the boss, you can give, for example, a new weapon that freezes enemies for 4-8 seconds, it kills the weak ones. the idea can be changed at will =^ᴥ^=


Nahh that would be Little Insanely hard I think Jashinn don’t want to Add it of he wants that would be Yes or No

Hmm.. I didn't think about that, I think the idea of the Boss is too difficult so don't consider it yet. however, the idea with bruises or abrasions and cuts can be easy, it would also be possible to suggest an idea with clothes to use, for example, clothes that we can get or take, for example, a raincoat or a sports uniform, you can also take a helmet and a bulletproof vest (they can be taken from the corpse of a military man whom we will meet in the sewer) you can also use what you put on to get dirty with blood, or other liquids. I think it's too much, but it's still an idea, and if it's difficult for Jashinn, she can postpone it.

Thanks for the suggestion o( ̄▽ ̄)d

oigan alguien sabe en que versión syahata se pone así?

Hola, se podría saber cuándo sale la próxima actualización? Porfavor!


Expected in june. No confirmed date

hey Jashinn does Game over mutants have sex version of it

Next update

Hey int3nse laàg I couldn’ttr typed normaly mycL right arm is Broke


If the game dev is looking for a suggestion, i have one, i do not know if this will help or not but for try hards this might do!

Adding difficulitys as an option as to : Easy, Normal, Hard And Lastly “Nightmare!” ( which i would like to call, No Escape as title )

Don't know how you'll do it but i know some idea's about that last Difficulty!

Details :

If enemy hits your character once, she will get down and, you know what happens further! BUTT, if a player wants to escape the grasp, it will be so much difficult since it's in nightmare one, and players will do mistakes for sure, in terms, hard to escape, easy to get fu*ked, guns ammunations do 0.50% less damage as well as your male weapon! ( this is purely hell i'm thinking ) her fu*k bar gets full very quickly! ( means even if player wants to escape, he will have to sacrifice his finger and sanity by taping screen, *evil laugh* )

EXCELLENT Will we wait for Jashinn to respond

Thank you for Suggestion<⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>


Well, this is already suggested, and jashinn said he/she would just consider it

Thanks for the suggestion b( ̄▽ ̄)d


JASHINN I HAVE A BRILLIANT IDEA WOULD YOU ADD People or survivors that tries to kill you With A baseeballbat,crowwbars,Sti8ck,Shoveell

Sorry for my typing My right hand is Broke and my head is injured because of an accident


i think that after the game gets released don't leave it add free DLC of content that couldn't get into the base game.

Will u add more bondage in future?

that will be Yes or no

I hope a yes because I really like his spider one and I wanna see more

That will be a hard time to make or imagine some different positions


hello jashinn will you have a discord server?

No not yet


Let’s just wait for his other words if she can make discord server


quando uscirà la versione completa?

When the game is completed.



When it shoots you, duck and aim your gun to the flower that shoots the bomb, not the boss. When you reached the 2nd phase, concentrate on the ground as it shows where the lightning strikes. On this part, just shoot straight.

Bro i try it and it not work

What phase?

only 1 phase I ran out of my bullets  every gun mam

you can modify it. go to the file “LocalLow”. If you don’t know how, google. In that file, you’ll see a file named “Jashinn”. Click on that and then choose the save file you want to modify. Save it and load the file in game. Find something with the rifle and change the number behind the “=”. You can put any number you want.


Hey jashin! I have a question can u add more bondage like syahata getting tied up by some human enemy and being taken away I really like the spider hole bondage 

Hey i when click on the most recent development log to buy the game it doesn't allow me?


This game is not available to buy here. You can buy it in ci-en or fantia You can also wait for the dlsite version to be out


Hey Jashinn sorry for no response I just had a Motorcycle accident

Jashen is your game Imagination or Dream

Привет джашинн вот для тебя идея про морские враги :марианский морской слизень. Рыба-капля. Японский краб-паук. Морской нетопырь. Плащеносная акула. Зубатковая рыба. Гигантская изопода. Малоротая макропинна. Миксины. Батизаурус. Сельдяной король. Рыба-гадюка. Гигантская сифонофора. Большерот. Акула-домовой. Глубоководный морской черт. Удильщик. Кальмар-поросенок. Рыба-лев. Длинннорогий саблезуб. Гигантский кальмар. Идиканты. Гигантская омеба. Шестижаберная акула. Тихоходка. Кальмар-вампир. Гигантский трубочный червь. Большая красная медуза. Звездочет. Угорь-пеликан. Гигантская акула. Химера. Азиатский овцеголовый губан. Летучие рыбы. Скорпена амбона. Илистый прыгун. Рыба фугу. Рыба фугу бомбардир. Трехногая рыба. Зомби длиннокрылая акула. Акула молот. Зомби акула молот. Зомби акула молот. Акула мако. Зомби акула мако. Зомби большая белая акула. Тупорылая акула. Барракуда. Мурена. Зомби мурена. Коломоихт. Зомби луна рыба. Зомби морской черт. Голубой терпуг. Рыба камень. Зомби белуга-альбинос. Рыбка мандаринка. Зомби оливковый сом. Ванделлия. Зомби пиранья. Пиранья. Электрический угорь. Гунч (сом багарий). Зомби паку. Паку. Зомби тигровая рыба голиаф. Гигантский скат-хвостокол. Арапайма. Зомби акула бык. Гидролик. Нильский окунь. Змееголов. Зомби рыба-пила. Рыба-пила. Пиявка и подвиды :медицинская пиявка. Улитковая пиявка. Конская пиявка. Рыбья пиявка. Ложноконская пиявка. Двуглазая пиявка. Мокрица пожирающий язык. Каракатица. Португальский кораблик. Медуза цианея. Гребневик. Минога. Речной хвостокол. Мечехвост. Морской ангел. Зомби полярная акула. Сельдяная акула. Мраморный электрический скат. Кошачья акула. Зомби кунья акула. Лангуст. Корнерот. Акула-нянька. Зомби большеротая акула. Абиссобротула. Белопятнистая кошачья акула. Наутилус. Мальгашская ночная акула. Зомби песчаная акула. Австралийская бычья акула. Пятнистый воббегонг. Пятнистая зебровая акула. Медуза-оса. Аурелия аурита. Кассиопею Андромеда. Мурена-ехидна. Зебровая акула. Пилоносная акула. Грифовая каракатица. Малый фонареглаз. Малакост. Ируканджи. Морская крапива. Alatina alata. Пятнистая медуза. Корнерот. Фиолетовая полосатая медуза. Медуза хриасора. Колокол номура. Волосистая цианея. Коробчатая медуза. Медуза из цветной капусты. Медуза атолла. Медуза с львиной гривой. Лиловая жалящая медуза. Зомби бамбуковая акула. Черносая акула. Зомби акула - молотилка. Гавайский дневной осьминог. Осьминог - ложнорукий. Осьминог дамбо. Водорослевый осьминог. Зомби гигантский осьминог. Синекольчатый осьминог. Стеклянный осьминог. Фиолетовый тремоктопус. Рубиновый осьминог. Морской огурец. Морской заяц. Щитень. Колючий краб. Большой сухопутный краб. Кокосовый краб. Тасманийский королевский краб. Гигантская мутировшая ходячая акула зомби босс. Мутировшие рыбы раджабры. Паутинный червь. Биолюминесцетный кальмар. Светящийся кальмар. Вот на этом идя про морских врагов джашинн. Я думаю что тебе обязательно понравится 👍

Спасибо за ваш совет (。・∀・)ノ

Павел да ты харош, ну самое главное это всё реализовать

Извини пожалуйста, я просто подумал что это будет в игре. Не все сразу это просто некоторые выборы.

Немного не понял за что извинения? Ну понял ( про выборы)

Слушай кто тебе больше понравилось из морских врагов?)


Всем привет и доброе утро ✋


Hey jashinn will there be pregnancy other than insects and tentacles? If so you could do a fetish way of knowing by having a image of syahata's egg being taken by a sperm cell of the enemy.

Also non insect and tentacles pregnancy should work differently like her belly gets bigger and syahata moves slower.

Good idea or maybe 

Thanks for the suggestion, I will remember it o( ̄▽ ̄)d

It is impossible to escape the ball that flower boss shoots help me, tell what should I do or may a video link


Just duck once the flower shoots then stand back up so the flower won't mark your duck location (which will be shoot in your feet)

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