I have dozens of H games of various quality and this is one of the few I consider my personal S tier. Bloody well done. Also, Im very grateful you included uncensor patch. The way you added spider hole is something very fresh and original imho. Only thing I would change is the aim system, where mouse would work better, unless it is part of design in order making the game more challenging. Anyway, keep up the good work sir!
Well what comes to my mind thematically close to this (hetero, sidescroller) are these (though none of them is better than Syahata, this game is fairly great):
Anthophobia by Terrarium (Lots of content and fairly good) Ghost Hunter Vena by Vosmug (Quite good as well) Parasite in City by Pixel Factory (Shorter but good) Mystic Knight Maya by Mega BlueBall (One of my favorites, but its also a platformer so little bit different gameplay) you might also like.. Night of Revenge by D-Lis (platformer fighter, kinda difficult but BEWARE: some parts are gory) Captivity by Perveloper (that is without much story but basically surviving endless waves, but levels and animations are cool) Zetria by Karnedraws (looks good but afaik there is only demo right now)
Hello JaShinn! I've an idea to include in your games (in future maybe) some platform elements like basic jump over the pit full of frogs, fish/eel, slugs etc. In a result - instant "game over" (h-animation or h-scene) in case of failure. What do you think?
What if I've bought the game here on itch? Will there be an external link for people that have bought the game elswhere? Because it's not just 4$ for everyone. Currency conversion makes things troublesome for buying games sometimes
When the full game release, all platform will be updated. If you have purchased it before the moment when the game is no longer available to purchase here then you still can download it here. Alternatively, you can also go to ci-en to get the game. I don’t know if that help
Здравствуйте джашин, я понимаю я немного поздно пишу комментарий такого рода, но у меня есть идея которая может немного украсить игру. Как вам идея изнасилование трупа зомби? То есть мы в позе наездницы прыгаем на половом органе трупа того или иного зомби или животного. Типа такую функцию можно получить при сильном оргазме (когда в матке саяхаты >/= 500 семени). Я буду очень сильно рад если вы оцените мой комментарии, и во все не расстроюсь если вам не понравится эта идея
I just completed the Beta and I really enjoyed it. I would love if a gallery were added though, it's a bit tedious to play the full game again to get to some of the scenes. Great work though!
JaShin I've been following the evolution of Syahata bad day for a long time and it's incredible, I'm Brazilian and I wanted to know if you were thinking about putting the Portuguese language in Syahat bad day or in an upcoming game? 🤠
So will there be a chance that a dlc would happen to get people excited for the next game of the franchise
Edit 1: also will the game be placed onto here as the ones who paid for the game on here so it could be integrated into the old version of the game and to not be buying a new one for $7-8
Hey JaShinn I saw in my email that you are choosing a character for the new game. About this I have the following question, will this new game be the same as Syahata bad day? (I'm looking forward to the latest update)
Male zombie, female zombie, gym boss, tentacle, fly, rat, slime. I don’t know if I miss anything, but high chance that I did. All the other enemies will have game over scene in the next update
On the game’s title screen, click on the syahata above the m”play” button. Type in “C 0” and click the checkmark at the end of the typing prompt. It’s a zero
Слушай я там видел какие новые изображение где следующий персонаж в следующем игре. Ты можешь мне пожалуйста показать изображение, если тебе не сложно?
← Return to game
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I have dozens of H games of various quality and this is one of the few I consider my personal S tier. Bloody well done. Also, Im very grateful you included uncensor patch. The way you added spider hole is something very fresh and original imho. Only thing I would change is the aim system, where mouse would work better, unless it is part of design in order making the game more challenging. Anyway, keep up the good work sir!
Could you give me some of your S tier H game that look like this game? I need more
Well what comes to my mind thematically close to this (hetero, sidescroller) are these (though none of them is better than Syahata, this game is fairly great):
Anthophobia by Terrarium (Lots of content and fairly good)
Ghost Hunter Vena by Vosmug (Quite good as well)
Parasite in City by Pixel Factory (Shorter but good)
Mystic Knight Maya by Mega BlueBall (One of my favorites, but its also a platformer so little bit different gameplay)
you might also like..
Night of Revenge by D-Lis (platformer fighter, kinda difficult but BEWARE: some parts are gory)
Captivity by Perveloper (that is without much story but basically surviving endless waves, but levels and animations are cool)
Zetria by Karnedraws (looks good but afaik there is only demo right now)
I defeated the plant boss still didn't unlock gallery help
You must do it in paid version. Do you have it?
Yes i have and the gallery is unlocked thanks
Или они появятся в новом обновлении?
I think the next update will focus on the game over, since there are few that have yet to be released
Понятно спасибо за ответ.
А в новом обновлении 28 июня, не будут что-ли новые мутантов и заражённых?
Новых врагов пока не будет. ~(=^‥^)ノ
Понятно, а потом когда будет обновление 28 июня. А потом будут новые враги в последнем обновление с 3 третьего босса?
That is, the game will be updated and new enemies will be added in the future
Will you continue to update the game and add new enemies or will you let fans modify the game, that is, can fans add new enemies and new sex prices?
She might or might not continue update the game after the next update, but I don’t think jashinn will let players modify the game
Джашинн привет ты случаем не знаешь что за изображения пришло из фантии? Джашинн у неё будет новая другая одежда?
Нет, это просто дополнительная анимация, а не внутриигровой контент. ~(=^‥^)ノ
Ясно спасибо джашинн за ответ.
Всем привет и доброе утро 👋
What if Horse helps you or helps the final boss depending on you letting it fuck Syahata or not?
I have an idea, add fertilization of the egg, the girl gives birth to a monster, this monster grows and fucks the heroine hard
Thanks for the suggestion o( ̄▽ ̄)d
Jashin add more insects and pregnancy for sayahata
I personally don’t approve of Jashin’s option A because option A is too similar to a little girl, I’m against it 😡
Booooo people love the A option. And I don’t think it’s considered small
B is still better so option B is definitely the winner 🏆🏆🏆
just accept that B is lose dude.
Jashin please select an option B For your next game.
Hello JaShinn! I've an idea to include in your games (in future maybe) some platform elements like basic jump over the pit full of frogs, fish/eel, slugs etc. In a result - instant "game over" (h-animation or h-scene) in case of failure. What do you think?
Itch.io had problems with the game, so you can't purchase it here, but you can purchase it on Ci-en, Fantia or on DL site
You can go to ci-en or wait for the dlsite version to be released
You can try using .Charge at Tokyo Otaku Mode when making a payment ヾ(•ω•`)o
Interesting Sayahata likes to fuck with insects
Why sometimes the girl has to suck to get over the tentacles and other times she says let's find another way?
You have to have 0 arousal to get her to suck the tentacle
other platform such as ci-en or fantia
The dlsite version will be released on 28th June, so maybe it’s the update. For now, there is no confirmed date
You can make a small hill out of 60 Larvaes!
Absolute normal by modifying the game. But how much lag did that cause?
No modifications needed! And no lag actually!
When is the next update coming????
The game will get released on dlsite on 28th june, so that might be the update
What if I've bought the game here on itch? Will there be an external link for people that have bought the game elswhere? Because it's not just 4$ for everyone. Currency conversion makes things troublesome for buying games sometimes
When the full game release, all platform will be updated. If you have purchased it before the moment when the game is no longer available to purchase here then you still can download it here. Alternatively, you can also go to ci-en to get the game. I don’t know if that help
Ah yup thanks. That helped a lot
Good 🗣️👍
Hey jashinn any leaks about the next update?
You can check all the latest news on ci-en
que ver inica asi dicer ahora termino despues final
Всем привет и доброе утро ✋
Jashinn I can help you with Translation
Hi Jashinn
Do u have anyplans to sell the game in steam?
Jashinn once said that she/he had no plan to sell the game on steam
El juego después de syahata a bad day estará disponible en Android???
Здравствуйте джашин, я понимаю я немного поздно пишу комментарий такого рода, но у меня есть идея которая может немного украсить игру. Как вам идея изнасилование трупа зомби? То есть мы в позе наездницы прыгаем на половом органе трупа того или иного зомби или животного. Типа такую функцию можно получить при сильном оргазме (когда в матке саяхаты >/= 500 семени). Я буду очень сильно рад если вы оцените мой комментарии, и во все не расстроюсь если вам не понравится эта идея
Спасибо за ваш совет o( ̄▽ ̄)d
Извините за такую сильную пошлость. И спасибо огромное за ответ
Братан,здесь такое приветствуется))
Здесь это база 🤣
Чел ты... В правильном направлении))
I just completed the Beta and I really enjoyed it. I would love if a gallery were added though, it's a bit tedious to play the full game again to get to some of the scenes. Great work though!
There is a gallery, but it’s limited to the paid version
Ahh, okay. Thank you for the info.
JaShin I've been following the evolution of Syahata bad day for a long time and it's incredible, I'm Brazilian and I wanted to know if you were thinking about putting the Portuguese language in Syahat bad day or in an upcoming game? 🤠
Are you planning to make discord server???
I don’t think jashinn even knows discord existed…
Why.. but you can tell him
I would consider creating a discord.
But I'm curious, would people really want to join a discord server? (´・ω・`)?
I think they will
Of course
hell yeah
im sure isafely say everyone here would love to see all your future projects and also chat and make memes and shit either way take care Jashinn :)
So will there be a chance that a dlc would happen to get people excited for the next game of the franchise
Edit 1: also will the game be placed onto here as the ones who paid for the game on here so it could be integrated into the old version of the game and to not be buying a new one for $7-8
Hey JaShinn I saw in my email that you are choosing a character for the new game. About this I have the following question, will this new game be the same as Syahata bad day? (I'm looking forward to the latest update)
It is also expected to be a side scrolling game (。・∀・)ノ
Wait what. Why I don’t see anything
Posted on Ci-en, Fantia, Twitter ヾ(•ω•`)o
I just saw that. Even though voting here may not count, I choose the first option, the shorter girl
I agree with you, I voted for the first option :)
Is mobile device available on next update
android version already exists ヾ(•ω•`)o
But the Next update is mobile still supported
Of course because it's already been like that
What are all the animated death scenes rn
Male zombie, female zombie, gym boss, tentacle, fly, rat, slime. I don’t know if I miss anything, but high chance that I did. All the other enemies will have game over scene in the next update
How do i go back to the game being uncensored
On the game’s title screen, click on the syahata above the m”play” button. Type in “C 0” and click the checkmark at the end of the typing prompt. It’s a zero
Я наконец то вернулся на сайт.
реально, я чеерез ВПН вернулся
Я тебе желаю удачного выздоравление 👍
Понятно а что такое ВПН?
штучка с помощью которой можно менять местоположение. Ну тип там Европа какая-то
Понятно, слушай как ты думаешь какие будут новые монстры в новой версии до 28 июня? И как думаешь будут ли человеческие враги?
извини бро , но я сам точно не знаю наверное на Ци-ен есть ( я туда не зашёл ещё)
Слушай я там видел какие новые изображение где следующий персонаж в следующем игре. Ты можешь мне пожалуйста показать изображение, если тебе не сложно?
Эти девушки какие-то медсестры.
Всем привет и доброе утро ✋