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is the next update expected for the next two / three days it's already may ಠ⁠∀⁠ಠ


Hwen this game get an update


I liked playing the game it was more interesting than i thought it would be and didn't expect the character to become lewder as she got raped

Here are my 2 grains of sand

Her clothes break with damage and has an easier chance to get raped without them and has to find a clothing item to get it back

A masturbation button to relieve the build up of the pink meter

Back to the clothing if this adds more clothes than just the highschool uniform it would be nice to have a few erotic outfits

The dress-up function is expected to be added in the next game ヾ(•ω•`)o


hope it also has an android version, barely any android H games worth the time 


How to give birth to a child


You can get eggs from flies (^._.^)ノ

(1 edit)

Bro that's not a child💀


Welcome to fucked up porn games or anime 🤣


It's already May, I wonder is the next version ready, if is, when is the precise date(๑•̌.•̑๑)ˀ̣ˀ̣

Will post an announcement later ヾ(•ω•`)o

(1 edit) (+1)

Will there be a point in the game where the plant life got infected or mutated to create a overgrown floral landscape where you could put vines and vine people that can take over zombies or other enemy types to become a different and more stronger enemy and the only way to beat them is by using a flamethrower (you could put it near the beginning of the area if you like) to actually stop them .

also will there be new game plus once the game is complete?

(1 edit)

Thanks for your input.

Do you mean new projects? Yes, there will be.  o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ

If you mean extras, I'm not sure.


JaShinn , do you have plan for another game like the same game like this after finishing this Project?

How many months do you released it to the VIP people (Donating you every month(s) ) before the free version to the public ?

Is there any chance that Syahatas's Journey will meet to the good ending or a bad ending ?

Do you have a plan to make another game like there's a Animal H-scenes and Monster H-scenes  after finishing this game ?

How many days/weeks to be completed the H-scenes of Syahatas ?

Suggestion for the Syahatas and Infected H-scenes :

Snake & 2 Snakes (Forest)

Horse (City/Forest)

Dog & 2 Dogs

Reindeer (Forest location)

Mutated Pig or Infected Pig


Tentacles (I think you released this teasers...)







Yes, I have plans for the next game.

The free version and the sponsored version are currently released at the same time.

Maybe there's only a single ending, but I'm not sure.

The next game also has monsters.

If you mean pixel animation, about 2 or 3 days.

If it is a GameOver animation, it takes about 2 weeks.  ヾ(•ω•`)o


Tysm for the interviewing you so much! It means a lot of me but not just me, from all of us! :)


are you add to the slime girl game over animation ?


Yes o( ̄▽ ̄)d


nice Keep it up



What date will the page update come?


around May ヾ(•ω•`)o


I think some enemy types should allow the character to move. Another thing is that the character should be able to have a bit of mouth to mouth with enemies after the sex count goes to 1.

Good idea or maybe idea for later use?

I'm not sure, but I'll keep it in mind o( ̄▽ ̄)d

(1 edit) (+2)

Another suggest: zoom in and zoom out feature, especially when raped

And make bed restore gun ammo magazines if they bellow certain amount especially right before bosses because its possible to soft lock / make fight incredibly hard if use too many bullets before 1st boss

I will think about it   o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ


How the hell do you reload the gun?...

Press R button, you need ammo magazine to reload

That's the thing, its an obvious answer, and I did do exactly that!

Multiple times! To no avail.

I'm guessing either its broken or there's a strange button combination needed more than just the R key.

It's like classic Resident Evil games like 4 and 5

You must *aim the gun, keep it aimed, while pressing the reload key, which is C  NOT  R

Thank you.

Uh yeah, i should mention i play the mobile version and there is button with R, for PC version there is .txt file explaining correct inputs.

Though JaShin maybe should think of some in game tutorial if it makes some confusion? Hmmm



You can view the txt files in the folder.

The mobile version can be downloaded from this page (【Android】button コントロール.txt).  ヾ(•ω•`)o


I hope there will be no censorship in the game like on the site, although its current was added today


Very good game~ Can't wait for next update! 


Позволь спросить. 1.Планируешь ли ты расширять список имеющихся врагов.-насекомых или нет?

2. Насколько велика вероятность выхода обновления в мае? 

Игра замечательная. Жду не дождусь обновления. Успехов тебе в разработке данного и будущих проектов. 

После этого появятся другие насекомые.

Должен обновиться в мае ヾ(•ω•`)o


do you have to pay for the update?

Yes ~(=^‥^)ノ


I think it would be neat if after the climax, if you fail to escape in time, the enemy will resume grabbing the player, possibly with escalating power and detriment to the player.

Thank you.


I may allow the surrounding enemies to continue to join ヾ(•ω•`)o


This is an excellent game and even though it's beta I can't imagine how great it will be when it's complete. I hope they add more enemies. Excellent work keep it up. 

This meme belongs to mee


Id like suggest changing the fight system a little, at least for the stick part, currently it requires tap one button to enter combat state in which player cant move, and then shoot with other button. I think it could be more responsive if player would hit with just 1 key press and then be able to move again without any additional presses. As for guns its understandable that they needs aim so its ok.

I will see how to adjust ~(=^‥^)ノ


what is the next payment amount for the next update? 

Maybe $2. If you have already paid $1, then you only need to pay $1.  ヾ(•ω•`)o

But what happens if you pay $5?


You will be able to download all games marked under $5 on this page ヾ(•ω•`)o


Will there be gallery mode in next update please? it's harder to get the other entities animations and will be harder as syhata will move to more than one location to face different entities it would be better for the game and the community would both love the gallery mode in next update thank you awesome game can't wait for the next update


There is already a gallery in the game, but only for paid version :))

i already know I'm asking for gallery mode in the free version


What's the update date?


around may as he/she said


if i bought the game, is it unlocked for every upcoming version too?

No, you need to pay the difference again (;′⌒`)


you could have clarified that somewhere... well, it's ok, it was a single dollar anyways

Sorry, it was indeed my mistake ╯︿╰



Just find about this one after a while of trying to find a succesor of that old 2D pixel art game also with zombies (wink wink). And it's very good! Loving that part of the female zombie gameover transformation into one of them. Planing to adding some more enemies that can breed the main character and maybe clothing that resembles that one other blonde girl (wink)? Anyways nice game looking forward


Hello, awesome game that I just recently noticed.

Whats the regular frequency of updates. Can we expect new versions like every month or every 3 months or something like this?


There will be an update around May ( •̀ ω •́ )y


What will be in the next update ?

You can see the update progress on my Ci-en (。・∀・)ノ


Hey the Gallery button isn't working on the paid android version


U're need to play through the game, only after that gallery opens


i think you need to add in throat and stomach then it will be fuller in status bar. If you feel that my opinion is not good, you can ignore it.


Throat and Stomach I expect to add it in the next game ヾ(•ω•`)o

(1 edit) (+1)

Will there be any enemy types that can be faster than the character but can only hear the character. The best way to introduce this character is by a guttural scream in the dark but luckily the character has found a flashlight a bit out of the right side of the screen and pick it up and points it behind her and sees the thing that lurks in the dark.

I think it's a good idea 

That's a good idea, I'll consider it (o゜▽゜)o☆

Deleted 1 year ago

Thanks for the suggestion, I will keep it in mind o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ





如果能有这样类似的设定那或许会非常的有趣 ✧(≖ ◡ ≖✿)

很有趣的想法,我會記住的 o( ̄▽ ̄)d


Is there more game over scenes for the upcoming updates ? I've only seen one the Futa high school gjrls the others are none....

will be added one after another.

It is expected that all enemies will have (。・∀・)ノ


Another Suggestion for when having sex it should have nude on/off option seeing the bouncy yetties more  lol 


Will there be new clothes added for the free version? (๑¯ω¯๑)

There will be no (;′⌒`)


What other insects enemies are there going to be?

maybe a spider (o゚v゚)ノ


Maybe another insect type or two could be mosquitoes and dragonflies.  Mosquitoes are more get "lose and stab like syringe while dragonflies hover above out of the view of the screen and dive like a bird to grab you. A way to make the dragonflies less op is by have a ! To signifies that it's diving at you and you can move away from that spot.

is that a good idea or not?


When will the update release?


around May (。・∀・)ノ


Ohh ok thanks im excited for the next update


Evil human enemies would be interesting ( and not just to fight against )


i will consider it ( ̄︶ ̄)↗ 

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