Please! Somebody tell me how to kill that The Cyclops in the Gymnasium! !He's driving me crazy!(This passage is for the author. If you can, can you add parasites? Maybe it will be more interesting)I love this game! I hope it is better!
Jaashin! I have an amazing idea. you can save others who will then thank you and replenish HP, but who have already liked it, for example, a girl with an insect in the basement, if you save her, her won't like it, because you can see from her face that she is getting high) and maybe will start pestering the main one the hero and will he start fucking her too? I think it needs to be done in just two or three animations because that's what I saw (live girls and one guy) 3-4 times, that's how I said that two can replenish hp, and those who already liked it will attack you? what do you think about it?
ATTENTION ATTENTION I JUST SAW ON CI-EN THAT THE NEXT VERSION WILL BE RELEASED IN 20/5/2023 SO BE READY (and yeah I'm following u jashinn this is a great game keep it up thank u)
Edit:Oh he posted 11 hours ago sorry I was in a hurry i didn't see that I was so happy sorry dev
Alright so.. i have an idea for a new difficulty/gamemode. It's called
Lewd Gamemode
basically this gamemode doesnt depend on HP, it depends on clothing/armor (you wont die in this gamemode since in this gamemode its for lewd purpose). Your clothing health will only withstand 3 hits so when you're naked, you'll be fucked by the monsters/zombies. So you'll have to find a clothing item to replenish your clothing armor.
I love the game great combat and controls could be put in better places but works great and fun to play i bought the full access now waiting for new update keep up the great work.
great game with great potential. a few critiques though.
1) the game needs a tutorial. yes, nobody likes them, but everybody likes understanding the controls.
2) we need the ability to change keybinds and the ability to aim with the mouse. i feel most people are used to controlling games with WASD, rather than the arrow keys.
3) dodging, sprinting or some method of moving fast is a must have. i see what you're going for, but there's a lot of dead ends and long halls, making the ability to dodge enemies a must have.
4) while this is more of a nitpick, i think translations should be the first thing the player sees when the game is started, or perhaps move them to the menu. it's not necessary, but it would be helpful.
5) enemies should have a visual indicator to tell the player when they've hit a weak point. it doesn't have to be a shower of gore, just something small, like a burst of blood (or blood equivalent) to show that your hit really hurt them.
6) the melee weapon (a broomstick i think) has terrible hit registration. i have seen the go through enemies and hitting flies is almost impossible if they're slightly above you. i mentioned earlier that there should be the ability to aim with the mouse and this is one area where it would be so helpful.
7) a stamina bar or indicator would be beyond helpful. i've noticed that if you melee too quickly, you won't be able to melee for a bit. while i'm not sure if that's intentional, it would be a good way of making the game more engaging. i propose that a stamina bar is added that naturally refills, but is depleted by doing melee attacks or being hit. this would let the player know how many times they can be hit before being stunned.
8) saving others? i noticed there's a couple people scattered about the game having "happy endings". while it's nice to have a couple unique animations around, i think they should be savable for a reward. this could be as simple as killing a few zombies for a medkit and a bit of ammo. for the most part, finding other people just boils down to "oh, there's more enemies there. i'll go somewhere else.
9) a way to decrease the cum(?) meter. it doesn't make sense to be constantly on the edge of finishing.
10) save slots. while you can make "saves" you can't pick which saves you load, just the most recent one, which makes getting some of the animations a little annoying.
aside for that really long list, this is a game with great potential and while it probably won't be a very popular game due to the genre, that doesn't mean it's bad. i'm very intested in see where you take this game and any potential future projects of yours
Mam nadzieję, że twórca widzi mnie, kiedy wchodzę do pokoju i zostaję zabity przez zombie, Siahata po prostu tam leży i muszę ponownie uruchomić grę, to musi zostać naprawione.
"I hope that, the developer sees me, when i am entering the room and i get killed by zombie, siahata just lies over there and i have to reboot the game"
Drvt, jezeli jest to futa zombie jest to wtedy dodatkowa scena, natomiast zwykly zombie to jest tam black screen, powinien byc tam widoczny przycisk by przejsc do menu wiec i tak restart aplikacji daje ten sam efekt. Polecam sprawdzić rozdzielczośc
Drvt, if it is futa zombie, then it is additional scene there, on the other hand if it is casual zombie then there is black screen with visible button to go to main menu, so the result stays the same as aplication reboot. I advise check your screen resolution
mam na myśli to, że kiedy uda mi się nacisnąć przycisk, aby wejść do pokoju z niskim poziomem życia i zostanę trafiony przez zombie, gra się nie kończy, żadnych przerywników filmowych, nic, siahata po prostu kładzie się i musi ponownie uruchomić grę
Siahata leży tam, dopóki nie dotrze do niej zombie, a jeśli nie, gra będzie musiała zostać uruchomiona ponownie
1. Will the pc be able to move while some enemy types of on her? Example being that if the the character has 2 flies on her she could move a bit to the right for a 3rd enemy to use her mouth.
2. Will give up resistance have different sex positions if the arrows/WASD or whatever the android version is for movement is. It should be like neutral give up normal scene Will play give up with up arrow cowgirl or reverse cowgirl (on which side the enemy is) give up with left arrow key missionary position, give up with right arrow key doggy style and give up with the down arrow key could be whatever the community wants.
how does one get access to the sponsored verison and what are the bonuses with it
also please add 3 of each monster able to fuck her at once or even a mix of them all and more blowjobs and maybe different voices as she gets more horny or even a squirt or drool or xray animation
My question is wen are we going to see MC breast feeding the bugs after you lay the eggs? Can we also see a male and female zombie fucking the MC at the same time not one or the other, it would be a little detail please 🥺
Such an amazing game, you have a new follow and if I had money I would pay you for your work. I will spread the word about your amazing game and hopefully others will enjoy it. By the way your English was amazing, keep up the good work because I and many others love this.
Great game!! Cool plot with cool graphics makes this game one of the best games of this genre against the background of others. But I would like to add some additions, for example: when the number of spermatozoa in the uterus reaches 1000 ml. Syahata becomes pregnant with a "mini-zombie" (ideally a new unit that will be small and run fast, respectively, hunting the main character). But since the birth of a child is a rather painful event, Syahata will lose about 20% of her health. This will make the interaction with the main character much more interesting. Otherwise, everything is cool, I'm looking forward to the new update. And I really hope that my comment will be accepted and the proposed feature will be added.
Just saw your comment (I am not a dev I am also a fan like you) your concept is nice but can be little annoy to find the save point or medkit if she loses health
Kinda true, i felt like the game was a little too easy maybe there'll be a difficulty setting in the future but yeah medkits are rare but I don't really care i just jump straight in to the zombies, die then revive with full health.
← Return to game
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By any chance, do Yu have a discord server ? It would be cool.
Not yet, maybe in the future (;′⌒`)
That would be great bro.
Will there be a new version for android?
Yes ヾ(•ω•`)o
Nice. New update. I eagerly waiting for the update. Thx for the hard work JaShinn 👍❤️
On a side note, have you consider release it on DL site?
I will post the game on DLsite when it is finished (。・∀・)ノ゙
Nice 👍❤️
Please! Somebody tell me how to kill that The Cyclops in the Gymnasium! !He's driving me crazy!(This passage is for the author. If you can, can you add parasites? Maybe it will be more interesting)I love this game! I hope it is better!
Try attacking the core of it. ~(=^‥^)ノ
Or wait for the new version on the 20th, I will adjust it.
parasite i will consider. ヾ(•ω•`)o
Thank you! Please do nerf! I'm bad at it but I want to play. I can't beat it.(╥_╥)
Save bullets then keep shooting his head, if you have limited ammo keep spearing him until he sits then shoot his head
I forgot to translate it——"Thank you. I'm still bad at it, though"
Jaashin! I have an amazing idea. you can save others who will then thank you and replenish HP, but who have already liked it, for example, a girl with an insect in the basement, if you save her, her won't like it, because you can see from her face that she is getting high) and maybe will start pestering the main one the hero and will he start fucking her too? I think it needs to be done in just two or three animations because that's what I saw (live girls and one guy) 3-4 times, that's how I said that two can replenish hp, and those who already liked it will attack you? what do you think about it?
This is an interesting idea, I will consider adding it o( ̄▽ ̄)d
Add different animations when Sayahata gets more and more deprived, it would be cool to see different costumes for Sayahata too!
I really love this game I hope you keep updating the game! ( ˘ ³˘)♥
ATTENTION ATTENTION I JUST SAW ON CI-EN THAT THE NEXT VERSION WILL BE RELEASED IN 20/5/2023 SO BE READY (and yeah I'm following u jashinn this is a great game keep it up thank u)
Edit:Oh he posted 11 hours ago sorry I was in a hurry i didn't see that I was so happy sorry dev
Ayo that day is my birthday :D
then Happy birthday Raytran
Tks u ^.^
Ur welcome
Alright so.. i have an idea for a new difficulty/gamemode. It's called
Lewd Gamemode
basically this gamemode doesnt depend on HP, it depends on clothing/armor (you wont die in this gamemode since in this gamemode its for lewd purpose). Your clothing health will only withstand 3 hits so when you're naked, you'll be fucked by the monsters/zombies. So you'll have to find a clothing item to replenish your clothing armor.
Appearance change is too much work. (;′⌒`)
Maybe in the next game. (。・∀・)ノ゙
Do you mind adding a Masturbation Button that maybe heals you ?
It will be available in the new version ~(=^‥^)ノ
Excuse me , May i ask ? How many days/weeks/months left before you released it? (The game)
They keep on saying it's this month unknown day
Im gonna guess its "Beginning of the end"
it is around mid of the month but still unreleased, i almost can't wait
i just hope it willremain of high quality
Just wait I think
I love the game great combat and controls could be put in better places but works great and fun to play i bought the full access now waiting for new update keep up the great work.
Will you add more futa enemies?
I'm not sure, waiting for future news ~(=^‥^)ノ
Vai ter tradução português na próxima atualização no jogo?
Will there be Portuguese translation in the game in the next update?
No, sorry. (;′⌒`)
great game with great potential. a few critiques though.
1) the game needs a tutorial. yes, nobody likes them, but everybody likes understanding the controls.
2) we need the ability to change keybinds and the ability to aim with the mouse. i feel most people are used to controlling games with WASD, rather than the arrow keys.
3) dodging, sprinting or some method of moving fast is a must have. i see what you're going for, but there's a lot of dead ends and long halls, making the ability to dodge enemies a must have.
4) while this is more of a nitpick, i think translations should be the first thing the player sees when the game is started, or perhaps move them to the menu. it's not necessary, but it would be helpful.
5) enemies should have a visual indicator to tell the player when they've hit a weak point. it doesn't have to be a shower of gore, just something small, like a burst of blood (or blood equivalent) to show that your hit really hurt them.
6) the melee weapon (a broomstick i think) has terrible hit registration. i have seen the go through enemies and hitting flies is almost impossible if they're slightly above you. i mentioned earlier that there should be the ability to aim with the mouse and this is one area where it would be so helpful.
7) a stamina bar or indicator would be beyond helpful. i've noticed that if you melee too quickly, you won't be able to melee for a bit. while i'm not sure if that's intentional, it would be a good way of making the game more engaging. i propose that a stamina bar is added that naturally refills, but is depleted by doing melee attacks or being hit. this would let the player know how many times they can be hit before being stunned.
8) saving others? i noticed there's a couple people scattered about the game having "happy endings". while it's nice to have a couple unique animations around, i think they should be savable for a reward. this could be as simple as killing a few zombies for a medkit and a bit of ammo. for the most part, finding other people just boils down to "oh, there's more enemies there. i'll go somewhere else.
9) a way to decrease the cum(?) meter. it doesn't make sense to be constantly on the edge of finishing.
10) save slots. while you can make "saves" you can't pick which saves you load, just the most recent one, which makes getting some of the animations a little annoying.
aside for that really long list, this is a game with great potential and while it probably won't be a very popular game due to the genre, that doesn't mean it's bad. i'm very intested in see where you take this game and any potential future projects of yours
good luck.
Very useful advice, I will try to improve the game (o゜▽゜)o☆
yeah, the controlling method really needs improvement
and mouse controlling is also a must for aiming and shooting
Mouse control is expected to be in the next game (o゚v゚)ノ
a terrific improvement to this game , thanks.
it will be more userfriendly after that
I think this game is high quality .
Emm...may I ask if this game will continue to make new levels and stories in the future?
Will there some new kinds of enemies (and new CG) in the new levels?
Does other humans will become our new enemies?
Yes, there will be a new update this month (。・∀・)ノ゙
当卵成熟后,可以让玩家自己选择排出还是在子宫孵化, 孵化后只会变成小幼虫。在体外孵化出来的会尝试爬回子宫。成长到一定程度的时候变成现在的大小。如果在子宫内长大。就像现在一样,强制排出。建议大幼虫不再是强奸人物,(刚孵化出来就这样,感觉有点奇怪)可以是堵在子宫口,或者吸附在身上(被其他怪物攻击后脱落,并抵挡这次攻击)
很好的想法,我會嘗試實現的 (o゜▽゜)o☆
By chance ever thought about opening a disord server for the game?
Not yet, maybe in the future ヾ(•ω•`)o
感謝建議,我會記住的 o( ̄▽ ̄)d
the update may?
You sure, and if so, where'd you get the info.
The info is in here just look for JaShinn told so many people in here it's in May
Mam nadzieję, że twórca widzi mnie, kiedy wchodzę do pokoju i zostaję zabity przez zombie, Siahata po prostu tam leży i muszę ponownie uruchomić grę, to musi zostać naprawione.
Translation for jashin:
"I hope that, the developer sees me, when i am entering the room and i get killed by zombie, siahata just lies over there and i have to reboot the game"
Drvt, jezeli jest to futa zombie jest to wtedy dodatkowa scena, natomiast zwykly zombie to jest tam black screen, powinien byc tam widoczny przycisk by przejsc do menu wiec i tak restart aplikacji daje ten sam efekt. Polecam sprawdzić rozdzielczośc
Drvt, if it is futa zombie, then it is additional scene there, on the other hand if it is casual zombie then there is black screen with visible button to go to main menu, so the result stays the same as aplication reboot. I advise check your screen resolution
Domyślam się, że po śmierci przełączałeś sceny?
Dzięki za zgłoszenie, naprawię to. (o゜▽゜)o☆
mam na myśli to, że kiedy uda mi się nacisnąć przycisk, aby wejść do pokoju z niskim poziomem życia i zostanę trafiony przez zombie, gra się nie kończy, żadnych przerywników filmowych, nic, siahata po prostu kładzie się i musi ponownie uruchomić grę
Siahata leży tam, dopóki nie dotrze do niej zombie, a jeśli nie, gra będzie musiała zostać uruchomiona ponownie
To faktycznie bug :0
cofam co powiedzialem o rozdzielczosci
An easy way to fix it could be adding timer to siahata's lying, and if enemy does not reach her within this time, she stands up
感謝建議,我會考慮添加一些deBuff的 ヾ(•ω•`)o
大概中、下旬左右 ~(=^‥^)ノ
How do I switch to horizontal position on android? I can't actually play the game in vertical position
1st question what is your phone model or phone name?(I need that to tell u)
Or u don't have to tell me the solution is Turn ur auto rotate on or turn off ur portrait lock
I had that problem and all you had to do is just turn the phone on the side and wait, the game should automatically fix it self.
Me too but I had to turn off the portrait lock
This is a bug, I will lock the screen rotation in the next update ヾ(•ω•`)o
1. Will the pc be able to move while some enemy types of on her? Example being that if the the character has 2 flies on her she could move a bit to the right for a 3rd enemy to use her mouth.
2. Will give up resistance have different sex positions if the arrows/WASD or whatever the android version is for movement is. It should be like neutral give up normal scene Will play give up with up arrow cowgirl or reverse cowgirl (on which side the enemy is) give up with left arrow key missionary position, give up with right arrow key doggy style and give up with the down arrow key could be whatever the community wants.
Good idea or not?
Not easy to achieve on this project.
Maybe I'll add it in my next project ~(=^‥^)ノ
Are both questions not achievable?
This will take a lot of time.
This project uses stop motion animation, which means it has to redraw each animation.
So I think he is more suitable for the next project. ~(=^‥^)ノ
how does one get access to the sponsored verison and what are the bonuses with it
also please add 3 of each monster able to fuck her at once or even a mix of them all and more blowjobs and maybe different voices as she gets more horny or even a squirt or drool or xray animation
try to hit the core of his head ヾ(•ω•`)o
Everything you recommended just boils down to "add more things"
Let's just wait and see how the dev wants make the game themselves first
Thanks for the suggestion, I will try to implement it o( ̄▽ ̄)d
My question is wen are we going to see MC breast feeding the bugs after you lay the eggs? Can we also see a male and female zombie fucking the MC at the same time not one or the other, it would be a little detail please 🥺
Please look forward to the next update (o゚v゚)ノ
When to update the version?
within this month (o゚v゚)ノ
What social software does the author use?
nothing now (;′⌒`)
I think the author can get one, which is also convenient for fans to feedback.
maybe later ヾ(•ω•`)o
Such an amazing game, you have a new follow and if I had money I would pay you for your work. I will spread the word about your amazing game and hopefully others will enjoy it. By the way your English was amazing, keep up the good work because I and many others love this.
How do I get the female zombie game over scene?
If you let that 2 girls ejaculate inside of MC's vagina
Triggered when hp is 0 ヾ(•ω•`)o
Does the developer have any other games?
this is the first game ~(=^‥^)ノ
You need to complete the level to unlock (。・∀・)ノ゙
ฉันหวัง ว่าเกมของคุณคง อัปเดต ก่อนวันที่15
(I loVE youR game)...
ฉันจะพยายามให้ดีที่สุด ~(=^‥^)ノ
Great game!! Cool plot with cool graphics makes this game one of the best games of this genre against the background of others. But I would like to add some additions, for example: when the number of spermatozoa in the uterus reaches 1000 ml. Syahata becomes pregnant with a "mini-zombie" (ideally a new unit that will be small and run fast, respectively, hunting the main character). But since the birth of a child is a rather painful event, Syahata will lose about 20% of her health. This will make the interaction with the main character much more interesting. Otherwise, everything is cool, I'm looking forward to the new update. And I really hope that my comment will be accepted and the proposed feature will be added.
Just saw your comment (I am not a dev I am also a fan like you) your concept is nice but can be little annoy to find the save point or medkit if she loses health
Well, good games should be challenging))
Kinda true, i felt like the game was a little too easy maybe there'll be a difficulty setting in the future but yeah medkits are rare but I don't really care i just jump straight in to the zombies, die then revive with full health.
But still. Good stuffs there I upvote you
Your idea is very good.
But I won't add any child enemies, sorry (;′⌒`)
Maybe other non-humanoid creatures will have them, like flies.
Good. Our business is to play, and yours is to develop))) I will be very much waiting for the game update!