Im also interested in the horse part, but the dev said he "might" add the horse into the game as extras.
Im more interested in the military army doing the main character to be exact, or a giant zombie who lays parasitic worms... But hey, horse sound amazing too..
With the next game can there be a way to have that the character will have barely any knowledge of sex and have a few areas of interest with a levelling system, which each level would increase the sexual libido of the character, the areas of interest would be mouth/breasts/vaginal/anus/hands/feet and levelling those areas would make the character more skilled with their areas. Would that be possible at all?
If there is by any chance of this game having a way to get modding into it make it so it's with the nearly complete version of the game to allow modding and maybe add a room in the game that has multiple dark rooms and call those rooms the unfinished rooms that are hidden off screen or hidden in code and unlocks after a criteria is met or if they make a zip file or apk and the modders could use those rooms for there modding and they could extend the game on their own time. Will this work for you?
I have a couple of questions:
1. will there be a character change (to male) and when you choose it, then all creatures become female
2. will there be x-ray in the scenes?
3. will there be a futa mod (zombie mode) for example after 3 single sex with zombies?
I wish you good luck with your content development.
With all the people saying that there's a bug here and there and with the expansion of the forest and subway system areas, it can be difficult for one person to keep up with that every few weeks.
Yes,only the paid version ($2.00) have the gallery function, to unlock, You have to finish the game (the dog area) until the end, And currently, JaShinn Only have 3 game over scene, Female zombie, Male zombie, And well, for me suprised, the flies.
Hey, love the game so far! Will there be animations between enemies in the finished game? For example tentacles at the same time as the sludge monsters? And if so will there ever be more than two enemies at once?
I loved the game, so I wanted to comment on some ideas for future updates. I don't expect them to come out immediately, but it would be nice if some were implemented by the final version.
1. combat: I've only played the mobile version, that being said; the mechanic of using two different buttons to attack is quite annoying, leaving the automatic attack with the use of a single button seems a better idea, without the need to enter "combat mode" to attack. Also putting auto-aim on ranged weapons would make there no need for another button and would make the game much better for more casual players which probably are the majority of players.
2. gameplay: adding some form of dodging would also improve gameplay especially against bosses, currently the closest thing is to start a sex scene and then cancel.
3. Mechanics: It would also be interesting to add some reward for having sex with monsters or killing them, example (sex): if you have a lot of sex with a specific species, it can stop attacking the protagonist unless it wants to ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °) or if the protagonist attacks first (in this case it could lose a point and if it loses many points the species will attack again). Example (combat): sometimes objects can drop after killing a monster, such as ammo or healing kit.
3.1 Speaking of healing, the item should be inside the weapons bar to be used when the player finds it more convenient (this little thing would improve the game A LOT).
3.2 Another interesting mechanic would be to be able to help people being attacked by monsters and gain items in exchange (after giving the item they would run and disappear from the screen), but would lose "friendship" points with the species.
4. Corruption: add slightly different frames depending on the protagonist's corruption level, although the lines already change depending on her corruption (being 3 levels from what I noticed), the drawings could change slightly too, for example in the first level she might try to run away of the monsters in sex in the second one it looks like this and in the third one she can throw herself more, with eyes of the heart, smiling and depending even kissing them.
4.1 In the boss and other scenes such as the save in the tentacle room, the lines could also be changed depending on the corruption level, for example: if she was at corruption level 1 when she enters the boss room in the cutscene she would speak with anger, in 2 it's the default and at 3 she would say things like whether or not she should pretend to lose the fight to have sex and etc, another example is in the tentacle room that in the cutscene if she was at level 1 she would refuse to open the room, in the 2 would be the default and on 3 she would be excited about the idea.
5. monsters: I think it would be interesting to add cockroaches with the flies, it would also be interesting zombies with two sticks.
That's it thanks for reading, thanks even more for creating this wonderful game.
Is a discord server being made? If so make section so we can have multiple things like idea suggestions and idea discussions and maybe after that server is done maybe a modding server for both this game and the next and every game after that, plus you can get art from fans of the game and could add a new section to the game for fan art called fan art.
I think that if you have the masturbation function it should have a random chance of giving you a French kiss scene or a blowjob scene and regular masturbation based upon if enemies are around or not
I would love you to add mosquitoes to the game! and they can make your health bar go down while having sex with them, something like the boss but they can only fuck you one time each, oh, and I'd like to help with the translations because some of them don't make sense, and I understand you use the translater, so I would like to help with the grammar here.
Will there be a way to mod this game while it's in development? Like a website you can create and put mods made by others like for instance a person made a mod with more enemies and weapons or a person who makes a mod to make syahata have her clothes ripped off and need to repair or replace it. I think something like this would make more genres of people play this game. Also they can only use the public version of the game only but can use the sponsor version if given permission by you. This way you can have more versions of the game and have the mod makers have a way to strut their work in the 18+ domain.
yeah but let's just say people are resourceful and will try and create mods and make the game support it in under a few months with the help of what game engine it's from.
And they could possibly help you with the next game if they want, giving weapon ideas and enemy ideas and help mod that one. Once a discord server is made that is.
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Will the final game have different payment than the beta version? Also how many enemies will be in the game, to make the money worth.
Yes, it will be different.
There are about 14 or 15 types of enemies ヾ(•ω•`)o
That's not much but great game by the developer.
Will you add another giant type zombie like the one at the gym?
There will be another large zombie with a plant for a head, maybe you've already seen it in my Ci-en or Fantia ~(=^‥^)ノ
I Just checked your fantia page, and at your first post it says only 12 types of enemy will be available?
Yes, maybe more ~(=^‥^)ノ
可能在未來2個月內 ~(=^‥^)ノ
How about mutated monsters?
I heard something about horses UwU
Im also interested in the horse part, but the dev said he "might" add the horse into the game as extras.
Im more interested in the military army doing the main character to be exact, or a giant zombie who lays parasitic worms... But hey, horse sound amazing too..
( ͡°ᴥ ͡° ʋ)
Interesting tastes you have, it would be interesting to see that too (ㆁωㆁ)
I am very interested in it :))))
What are the steps you used to convert the game into a mobile game?
Go to Any AI chatbot and ask how UNITY works.
Goodluck ~
With the next game can there be a way to have that the character will have barely any knowledge of sex and have a few areas of interest with a levelling system, which each level would increase the sexual libido of the character, the areas of interest would be mouth/breasts/vaginal/anus/hands/feet and levelling those areas would make the character more skilled with their areas. Would that be possible at all?
The next game is expected to have a similar feature ヾ(•ω•`)o
I can't wait to see what that will look like.
If there is by any chance of this game having a way to get modding into it make it so it's with the nearly complete version of the game to allow modding and maybe add a room in the game that has multiple dark rooms and call those rooms the unfinished rooms that are hidden off screen or hidden in code and unlocks after a criteria is met or if they make a zip file or apk and the modders could use those rooms for there modding and they could extend the game on their own time. Will this work for you?
I'll try it in the next game, but I can't guarantee it'll work out ~(=^‥^)ノ
But if it does work out what will happen?
I'm not sure, after all I've never tried ╰( ̄ω ̄o)
The gallery is not working after I paid for it. Keep closing
you have to complete the game to unlock the gallery
I did but every time I open the gallery it kick me off the game
Are you a computer version or a mobile version? (´・ω・`)?
mobile version
Turn off full screen mode in options.
If that doesn't work, try reinstalling the game ヾ(•ω•`)o
hi bro, your suggestion was really good, I loved your taste. can you suggest me more games like this please, thank you
Maybe not, but I'm not sure. (;′⌒`)
will the next game be available on mobile or only pc?
not sure yet ~(=^‥^)ノ
2 months what the fuck. What happened to every 2/4 weeks dude😕 .
It's 1 person doing all the task, from coding, animating, designing, fixing bugs, glitches. It'll take some time.
Please Wait patiently. Making a game is not a simple task.
Bro can't even wait 💀💀 👎🏻
With all the people saying that there's a bug here and there and with the expansion of the forest and subway system areas, it can be difficult for one person to keep up with that every few weeks.
Subway? I'd thought JaShinn only going to add the forest?
Cheers For JaShinn!\(๑¯◡¯๑)
Edit: yes, i did some research and there will be forest and subway level.
Game is very nice, but when will the next update be available?
maybe in the next 2 months ~(=^‥^)ノ
*cheers* ( /^ω^)/♪♪
Understandable, Please take your time and maintain the quality
感謝建議,我會考慮的 (o゜▽゜)o☆
You guys knoe the first boss how do you kill him i knock him on his knees like 10 times
Shoot him on the head,until the core comes out,
And then there's phase 2. Remember, Headshots only.
5 cheers For JaShinn! ⊂(•‿•⊂ )*.✧
What do you think about add some horse enemies or maybe horsetype enemies? (◡ ω ◡)
I like your game, you do very good job! Keep trying!(◍•ᴗ•◍)♡
You can try this translator, it does a pretty good job of translating into English
I would consider adding it to the game as a special event. (。・∀・)ノ゙
Easter egg? Maybe? (つ✧ω✧)つ
Yes ╰( ̄ω ̄o)
Essa fundo e o cenário da atualização
I need an explanation from you..
Is the gallery only available in the paid version?
Are the losing animations (like after you die) only available also in the paid version?
Is there something like discord so I can talk to you or some mod there to help me with more things?
Yes,only the paid version ($2.00) have the gallery function, to unlock, You have to finish the game (the dog area) until the end, And currently, JaShinn Only have 3 game over scene, Female zombie, Male zombie, And well, for me suprised, the flies.
Let's cheer for JaShinn! ୧(^ 〰 ^)୨
There is no discord yet. If you want to chat with me one-on-one, you can go to my Ci-en or Fantiaand use the message function ヾ(•ω•`)o
Hey, love the game so far! Will there be animations between enemies in the finished game? For example tentacles at the same time as the sludge monsters? And if so will there ever be more than two enemies at once?
Thanks for the suggestion, I will consider making a map o( ̄▽ ̄)d
Love this game so much! When can we be able to play the next version? I can't wait to buy it OuO
maybe within the next 2 months ~(=^‥^)ノ
how so i defeat the first boss? i shot him alot of times but he just get up
try to hit the core of his head ヾ(•ω•`)o
Hey I actually talk only English and Spanish so im gonna use the translator sorry if something doesn't spells right ( ̄▽ ̄)
ゲームはとても良いので、いくつかアイデアを考えました。最初のボスは左から右に進むだけなので、もっと多くの種類の攻撃を追加すると、より楽しくなると思います 2 敵はナイフなどのオブジェクトや、一度しか使用できないものをドロップする可能性があると思います (明らかに農場ではなく、部屋ごとに最大 2 つのオブジェクトをドロップできます) 3 あなたを助けてくれる女の子のコンパニオンを追加します(さらに、H シーンに貢献できます ( ̄▽ ̄)) そして最後に、ベータ版の終わりに、ギャラリーのロックが解除されたように見えましたが、保存するとメニューに表示されず、再起動などを試みましたが、機能しませんでした。その疑いがない限り、それは非常に役立つでしょう。 読んでいただきありがとうございます(-▽-)
Thanks for the suggestion. (o゜▽゜)o☆
The gallery is only available in the sponsored version. (;′⌒`)
thanks (•ω•`)
I loved the game, so I wanted to comment on some ideas for future updates. I don't expect them to come out immediately, but it would be nice if some were implemented by the final version.
1. combat: I've only played the mobile version, that being said; the mechanic of using two different buttons to attack is quite annoying, leaving the automatic attack with the use of a single button seems a better idea, without the need to enter "combat mode" to attack. Also putting auto-aim on ranged weapons would make there no need for another button and would make the game much better for more casual players which probably are the majority of players.
2. gameplay: adding some form of dodging would also improve gameplay especially against bosses, currently the closest thing is to start a sex scene and then cancel.
3. Mechanics: It would also be interesting to add some reward for having sex with monsters or killing them, example (sex): if you have a lot of sex with a specific species, it can stop attacking the protagonist unless it wants to ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °) or if the protagonist attacks first (in this case it could lose a point and if it loses many points the species will attack again). Example (combat): sometimes objects can drop after killing a monster, such as ammo or healing kit.
3.1 Speaking of healing, the item should be inside the weapons bar to be used when the player finds it more convenient (this little thing would improve the game A LOT).
3.2 Another interesting mechanic would be to be able to help people being attacked by monsters and gain items in exchange (after giving the item they would run and disappear from the screen), but would lose "friendship" points with the species.
4. Corruption: add slightly different frames depending on the protagonist's corruption level, although the lines already change depending on her corruption (being 3 levels from what I noticed), the drawings could change slightly too, for example in the first level she might try to run away of the monsters in sex in the second one it looks like this and in the third one she can throw herself more, with eyes of the heart, smiling and depending even kissing them.
4.1 In the boss and other scenes such as the save in the tentacle room, the lines could also be changed depending on the corruption level, for example: if she was at corruption level 1 when she enters the boss room in the cutscene she would speak with anger, in 2 it's the default and at 3 she would say things like whether or not she should pretend to lose the fight to have sex and etc, another example is in the tentacle room that in the cutscene if she was at level 1 she would refuse to open the room, in the 2 would be the default and on 3 she would be excited about the idea.
5. monsters: I think it would be interesting to add cockroaches with the flies, it would also be interesting zombies with two sticks.
That's it thanks for reading, thanks even more for creating this wonderful game.
Thanks for your suggestion, I will keep it in mind o( ̄▽ ̄)d
How do you save on mobile?
I'm not sure I understand what you mean? (´・ω・`)?
oh god i thought that was a full health resting bed
Is a discord server being made? If so make section so we can have multiple things like idea suggestions and idea discussions and maybe after that server is done maybe a modding server for both this game and the next and every game after that, plus you can get art from fans of the game and could add a new section to the game for fan art called fan art.
Good idea or maybe?
I'll think about it, maybe create a discord when the next game starts making ヾ(•ω•`)o
I think that if you have the masturbation function it should have a random chance of giving you a French kiss scene or a blowjob scene and regular masturbation based upon if enemies are around or not
Hello could you add a language in portuguese im Brazilian and im not very good in english
I'll think about it and maybe add it after the game is finished. ヾ(•ω•`)o
I would love you to add mosquitoes to the game! and they can make your health bar go down while having sex with them, something like the boss but they can only fuck you one time each, oh, and I'd like to help with the translations because some of them don't make sense, and I understand you use the translater, so I would like to help with the grammar here.
Please and thank you ^^
Oh, and the mosquitoes could be in the sewer
I'll keep that in mind, but maybe add it in the next game ~(=^‥^)ノ
Will there be a way to mod this game while it's in development? Like a website you can create and put mods made by others like for instance a person made a mod with more enemies and weapons or a person who makes a mod to make syahata have her clothes ripped off and need to repair or replace it. I think something like this would make more genres of people play this game. Also they can only use the public version of the game only but can use the sponsor version if given permission by you. This way you can have more versions of the game and have the mod makers have a way to strut their work in the 18+ domain.
But the only question is will this work for you?
It's not easy, after all, it was not developed with mod support in mind.
Maybe try it in the next game (。・∀・)ノ
yeah but let's just say people are resourceful and will try and create mods and make the game support it in under a few months with the help of what game engine it's from.
And they could possibly help you with the next game if they want, giving weapon ideas and enemy ideas and help mod that one. Once a discord server is made that is.
How do you defeat the brute? I try to stab his ball thing when he goes down but there's no indication I'm doing damage.
And can you add a skip cutscene and a sprint button? That will help with some fights.
You may need to try a few more times if you use a melee weapon
How many more versions until the game's "complete"?
Maybe it will be done within this year ~(=^‥^)ノ
Why this year? This game is very good and I like the game
有一次我在怀孕的时候通过了一扇门,然后发现屏幕特效(怀孕后随时间增加而更频繁出现的那个)没有消失,我也不知道怎么回事,我猜可能是在这个特效刚出现的时候我通过了门导致的,您能找一下问题在哪并在下个版本修复吗?我带着这个特效一直打到下水道 ......
感謝報告,我會在下次更新中修復它 (o゜▽゜)o☆
And the next update; Can you add skin for syahata?
If your awnser Is yes; can you add Senko-san skin for syahata?
Maybe not. Sorry. (;′⌒`)
maybe in the next game.
i will pay For senko appears in the Game (skin)
привет, джашин, что делать, если ты из России и не можешь купить VIP-версию игры?
Я не могу понять это, извините. (;′⌒`)
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