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感謝建議 (o゜▽゜)o☆


You changed some sprites and animations?

Or am I going mad?


Yeah, I tweaked some old stuff.  ヾ(•ω•`)o

It really looks better.

(1 edit) (+2)

How do I buy the sponsored version. Unless the $4 is the sponsored version

Yes, $4 is the sponsored version (。・∀・)ノ


Thanks for the clarification. Im getting it now :D 

(2 edits) (-1)

Hi im youtuber i do a youtube video so i wont to be the first one update for your new update so

I wont to get free access to uplode  your new update(:

Answer me) :


I understand.  

But I think you should be more copyright-conscious as a creator instead of using third-party links and not tagging any of the original authors!   ( ̄、 ̄)ノ

right??? he want a free access to your game by making a poor quality vid and not even giving you a proper credit!!!

the audacity of this man (⁠ノ⁠`⁠Д⁠´⁠)⁠ノ⁠彡⁠┻⁠━⁠┻

Deleted 1 year ago

Oh i forget my video get 13 k view 🙂


I appreciate you making the video.ヾ(•ω•`)o

However, your behavior is in violation of youtube's rules, which you should be aware of, both for your own sake and for the sake of other creators.  


Ok but can you give me the new update at lest) :

You can click to "download demo" to get the new version (。・∀・)ノ


hei jashinn look at this he also try to make profit with your game


13k views but none of them know who is the creator of this game 

your 13k views means nothing cuz none of them are download it through this site


I know, thank you. (o゜▽゜)o☆

But don't argue with him. ╰( ̄ω ̄o)


ah ok im sorry 


And what? On the contrary, he promotes the game, free advertising, it’s a sin to complain.


promote what did you not reed my other comment his vid get 13k view but he using third party link for the game that means all 13k views means nothing cuz none of em actually go to this page 

he is not promote the game but promote his own yt channel and premium telegram 


4 dollars is just a small investment for content creator just saying


If I buy this game, in the next few months, if there is a new version update, will I have to buy it again?

No need to pay again (。・∀・)ノ


wow.. then next week I will buy it Thank you admin for the response, keep up the good work 🔥🔥🔥

I really like your game. I hope there is an update for people who can't afford it. I will wait for page updates. that there would be something exciting waiting for me

You can click Download Demo to get the public version ~(=^‥^)ノ

(3 edits) (+1)

hello jashin i have a suggestion

so we ofc can see the change of syahata through her art when pause, through her dialogues, and her taunt animation. but beside that we cant she her change when she walking around, 

so i think having 3 facial expressions to matches 3 stages would be really great 

ofc you can go further and beyond like makes her shirt button open, or makes her skirt looks like it's about to fall, but 3 facials expressions is enough.


thanks for your advice (o゜▽゜)o☆

I want to ask something, what is the last boss? If you are from the gym, please show up somewhere when you run out of ammunition. ( I play on Android and the latest version )

eerrmm i really want to help but i cant understand your question



no (;′⌒`)




After adding that running monster game turned to be a horror game ⊙⁠﹏⁠⊙

Hope u add cum inflation and its negative effects on player like slowness and low defence + baby spider scene with 3 spiders would be better 

Really want to buy the game but don't have any payment methods that I can use. (⁠눈⁠‸⁠눈⁠)


How do you get into the gun?


M4 in a sewer (you'll find a dead soldier)


How to cheat ammo? Android

Why can't I watch the gallery?


you must finish the game first


Este juego no para de sorprenderme, es casi todo lo que quiero en un juego déjame felicitarte por este hermoso juego, es increíble tanto artísticamente como en el gameplay y en las animaciones, es tan increíble que incluso lo compre jajaja como me gustaría que existieran mas juegos con esta calidad es hermoso.

Por cierto cuando termines este juego harás otro? si es así lo comprare sin duda alguna ya que tu trabajo es muy bueno,  otra  cosa harás pantallas de game over para todos los enemigos?  y también tengo una sugerencia, creo que es mejor que la galería este desbloqueada desde el principio y que tu vayas desbloqueando las animaciones una por una, eso seria muy bueno.


Según el creador de este juego, mencionó que en Noviembre el juego va finalizar y anunciará el próximo proyecto. 

No sabia jajaja gracias por hacérmelo saber

Todos los enemigos tendrán animación de fin de juego. o( ̄▽ ̄)d

Can't defeat the giant, any advice?

(1 edit)

Use the gun only at giant when he spawn zombies run to them and kill them with stick and when giant stuns shoot at his core

(1 edit)

if you didn't know when you want to turn direction try to bait him to attack when it landed turn around and try to get passed through him before he attack for the second time

another tip is not to immediately kill both the zombie bcuz you can exploit them to get the i-frame and reset the climax/cum bar

If you have the android version, you can try to download it again. I have adjusted the difficulty. ~(=^‥^)ノ

well, I get late for one day but update is freaking awesome, we're waiting for the new updates

Damn right

especially the part where she kidnapped by spider was awesome right ?

yep, I had played a lot of H-game before, And I have to admit that we hardly find a 2-phase H-scene. Most of dev when they make Action H-game, they always want to create as many monsters as possible to make their game look more interesting, so making a 2 phase H-scene seem to be a stupid way to complete a H-game. It takes too much time and sometimes, It's really hard to think about more than 2 scenes for a same monster. So yep, It was very creative.

you mastered H-games fr


Hello jashinn. I'm just asking btw, when will you make a free ver? I'm kinda broke and I really wanna play the game :)

My guy, it's just $4 for a quality game. 

well you see my country has a different currency then the money there so it has a change of price 

You can click Download Demo to get the public version ~(=^‥^)ノ


Hi, jashinn. I'm only realising now that there are a lot of scenes where it involves oral, I was wondering if there will be like, a part where eggs are being pumped through the mouth but it doesn't hatch (since there's gastric acids, I guess) but it just piles up over time and make syahata kinda like bloat and move slower. 

(kind of a personal liking for some reason after playing this game) 

Really like the previous versions whee you can stack up the eggs in syahata, and it's a weird and fun thing to see different types of eggs in her, but it just doesn't hatch, it's just there. Was also wondering if you'd be bringing this "feature (I know, it might have been a bug)" back

In the future, players may be able to choose whether to hatch (。・∀・)ノ

Hello! enjoying the update so far, but all of my game over scenes are just black screens that dont display anything besides the arrows (which dont do anything)

All enemies? Including male and female zombies? (´・ω・`)?

it seems to give me a black screen with every game over scene, am i missing a driver for playing video or something? i did reset my operating system recently

Are you using the android version?  (´・ω・`)?

You can try turning off full screen mode in the options.

If you can't solve the problem, you may need to confirm whether your mobile phone supports high-resolution imaging.

(1 edit)

I'm on computer!! :( is there a better way to report this? details? etc

I'm not sure what the reason is. (´・ω・`)?

You can try to update the graphics card driver to the latest version and re-download the game  ~(=^‥^)ノ

Hey guys, i fr want to buy sponsored version but i don't know how to do it cause im from Russia, if someone know say please

You can check out Terriblethings12 reply below.  ヾ(•ω•`)o

But I don't know if it's possible.

Is demo game it's a free version? Or it just cutted off version?

And why there no demo version of 0.79?

It does have, but there is a mistake in the name, so just download the newest public ver and you will get the v0.79

(2 edits) (+2)

Hey There,

I have a Small Problem with the Android Version. I changed my phone a while ago and dont have a save anymore so i need to make a bew Playthrou but, when i press new game it wants me to ,, Press A" to start the actual game. Which mean i can't play bacozse touching the screen anywhere does not work for me and i don't have an ,, A " to press in game on my phone xD

Edit: for maybe other ppl with the problem, before starting just go to ,,Options" and press Full Screen. Atleast for me it solved my screen and i could press the ,,Press A" text to actualy start the game xD


Les recomiendo la versión de paga uff esas animaciones valen la pena


I played the free version and the game's artwork, animation after death and such, is very good, there are things that are a bit unusual like having sex with a dog after coming out of the sewer.

I really liked being able to change the things we found in the file, I put the rifle with 99999 ammunition, I want to see them kill me now lol

And I liked the game's dialogues a little, but some of them I couldn't understand very well, so I want to offer my help in translating them into Brazilian Portuguese.

I think it would be strange with chatGPT because it would translate things but not as we understand them in Brazil.


New bug i find, the big flower head zombies, if you about too go to a different area of the map and wen you get capture you will load into the different areas but not the MC, on top of that you can't do nothing about it

Thanks for the report (。・∀・)ノ


If you want to improve localization you could dump all game text to a .json file,  it will allow easy translation via deepL or other APIs, like ChatGPT.

Can you add payment channels through True Money Wallet?

I'm having a lot of problems with PayPal right now haha. 

Maybe not. sorry. (;′⌒`)










感謝建議 o( ̄▽ ̄)d

Is the game censored or not?

(1 edit)

no but it is in a semi high detail pixel art style. But with the full version it does include some animated death scenes that are not in a pixel art style and are not concerned


and the full version is the pay version right?


I've just tried out the new version: good job, really enjoyed it.

P.S. I also would like to offer my help in correcting translation mistakes (only if you need it, I'm not insisting) just for me to practice more in English (I'm level C1). That'll be for free, of course

Where is the wetlands level in free version  

when downloading the public PC version ending in "_0_79", the zip file contains both version 54a and 79, just to let you know  :)

When the next update comes out? XD

Literalmente acaba de salir hoy una nueva version, aunque creo que talvez haya otra actualización hasta en enero o febrero"


Retiro lo dicho cuando dije que se me ralentizado y trababa el juego solo cuando me atrapavan dos enemigos. Ahora que lo he jugado de nuevo me pasaba lo mismo no solo con los enemigos si no también cuando avanzaba en el juego y también en las animaciones game over. Es un problema que jode mucho cuando pasó un trayecto largo sin poder guardar y tengo que repetirlo de nuevo para pasarlo

Puedes intentar desactivar el modo de pantalla completa en las opciones.


Question with the free version does it have the wetlands or is that apart of the paid version because as i was about to leave the tunnel with the spiders but it was the end of the demo

I'm Missing 3 new enemy types apart from the spiders

A level wetlands

But I do understand if its a bug on my end and please do know i enjoy your work and can't wait for the next update

It might be because i have the wetlands and everything,  but i also bought the paid version so yeah. ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

En tu vesion aparece el mutante y la flor gigante?

mutantes sí flor gigante aún no se ha agregado


Actually, there is 3 kinds of spider, the normal one, the trap one (it has 2 phases), the baby one. And there is a flower-human mutant in Wetlands.

made a lot more sense th


Does this enemy come in this version v0.79 or the next one??? I bought the latest version and it only goes to a small part of the swamp

This enemy has not been added yet (;′⌒`)

I'm done with the game but no gallery

Thats only for the paid version


I have played this latest version, but I am still very unsatisfied. there are 5 good ideas from me if you want to add them, and I have also explained them in detail, so you don't need to worry.

1. for the Syahata who has been ejaculated twice by zombies/animals/tentacles or more precisely the uterus which is already wet with sperm, the next person will rape the syahata a little faster.

to make more sense, a uterus that is already wet is easier to get in and out of a penis, compared to a uterus that is initially still clean and closed.

2. add new mechanics such as dogs and rats that can bite the skirt of the Syahata. they will immediately jump up and bite Syahata's skirt without warning. later just add something like, just a few percent (100% - 0%).

there will be a QTE similar to when you are being raped but your skirt is still bitten (?% decreases per second) and you have to keep moving in the opposite direction. If you remain silent or stop moving, the dog or rat will continue to force Syahata's skirt and immediately rape syahata on the spot (there are still 2 seconds remaining if the player stops moving, and can still continue the QTE).

if the Syata's skirt is successfully torn (it has touched 0%) then, there will be a "new scene" where the dog or rat forcefully tears the Syahata's skirt until it comes off completely along with her panties, but is not raped. Syahata was only allowed to continue running, leaving her skirt and panties loose and lying on the ground. but in exchange, Syahata will continue the journey without a skirt and panties.

for impact? There is. that is, zombies or animals will move faster when they witness the syahata without skirts and panties, let alone the flood of sperm flowing out of the uterus.

if Syahata manages to avoid the QTE, while he still has remaining gun bullets that haven't run out, there will be a "new scene" such as Syahata making a shooting movement right at the head of the dog or rat who almost wants to rape Syahata. and if there are no bullets left in the gun or you haven't had time to reload it, then, there is a "new scene" like when Syahata wants to shoot, Syahata feels like she is panicking and turns out there are no bullets and is forced to surrender to being drawn and raped straight away, even though QTE has been successfully avoided.

a pretty good mechanic in my opinion, so that Syahata has certain weaknesses and is more difficult. but if this mechanic was added not only to dogs, it would be even better in my opinion.

3. Syahata who has been raped 5 times, Syahata's hair will start to become messy. and if it has been touched 10-20 times, the hair of the syahata will be increasingly revealed like a life that is no longer useful and ready to be raped at any time by anyone. less important but can be added if you don't mind.

4. add some mines that players are not aware of. for example, a player who is busy opening the school toilet door, without realizing there is a male zombie inside, and there will be a "new scene" where the Syahata will immediately be pulled inside and raped in the toilet. and as usual, there will be new dialogue regarding this matter. 

this also applies not only in schools, but also in other places.

5. add new ability features to Syahata. such as new abilities will only be unlocked if the player completes a certain challenge. example, such as:

- "10% faster to masturbate". This ability is obtained if the player has masturbated 10 times. This ability will be unlocked by, when the player wants to masturbate for the 11th time, there will be a "new scene" where Syahata will break off some of the ends of the wooden broom she brought at the start of the game, to be used as material for piercing her uterus. This ability is important, to more quickly refresh an almost full pink bar.

- "wooden attacks are 2% faster and 40% more painful". This ability is obtained if the player defeats the first boss with only wood, (not for the two zombies that come in the 2nd round). This ability is important to save more bullets in the future.

hopefully it can help in the future👍👍


Some of your idea seem very interesting, but when we put it on the game, draw it, calculate the numbers.... it may become impossible. You may had seen some features that already have in other game, but it depends on the size of the crew, maybe in far future, some details about the speed, or clothes will be added.

Thanks for the suggestion, I will remember it   o( ̄▽ ̄)d


I think it might be a bit difficult for you, but it might be a challenge for this game

•́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀


Olá JaShinn tenho uma pergunta em relação a área wetlands, ela está disponível na versão Demo? por que já cheguei a terminar e não consegui a ver essa área nova.

É limitado à versão paga (;′⌒`)

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