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Another bug, when you are lifting up the shutters and attack the enemy, the screen shakes abnormally

This is pregnancy effect

She isnt pregnant tho

mmmm but a screenshot 

its more like, the screen shakes so strong that you can see  the black borders around it

See the new fix version maybe the developer fixed it


Gallery is off centered when you're in full screen. Works fine when it's not but cannot view animation during full screen.

I'll post an update later(;´д`)ゞ

where's gallery menu ??


Idk if this is intentional or not but, the zombies dont flinch anymore and my first problem is that on android when you are struggling out and succeeded the character just swings, is there a way to fix that? I love the cum drip feature btw and i would love it if you could add clothes function to the game

YES!!!!! Now let me just download the sponsored one. And I'll tell you anything about it if I found anything. Totallooo~

Deleted 1 year ago

I fixed it in new versionヾ(•ω•`)o

(1 edit) (+1)

First a lizard

Hey i get that the update is cool but can you maybe return the damage animation for the zombies? [It was deleted] and no this is not a hate

I mean i get it, you added a speed pause for damaged zombies but it would be much easier, for starters of course


Finally it's here (⁠ノ⁠ಠ⁠益⁠ಠ⁠)⁠ノ


And it's already 15:09 at 2/18, I'm waiting for this from last night until now, and I wouldn't sleep until It's done. OvO

Well it's here now


Long wait, an update has been released  o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o


It's already 2/18 according to CST so when approximately u will release it today? 


Sorry, the posting here is a bit complicated, it took me a while(;′⌒`)

Don't worry that's fine, the most important u released it in promissed day so thank u very much. Btw update is gorgeous, keep it up! :D




So last day huh?) That's hard to wait:)


But we don't know on which hour will the update release soo it's kinda surprise time :)


Will some types of egg laying enemies be able to lay more eggs based upon what subspecies of oviparity animal it is. An example is an butterfly can lays an average of 300-400 eggs in the wild but the only problem is that the eggs will have to be smaller than fly eggs and almost all of the eggs will not survive  but your character can extract the eggs via pleasing herself. I would go on more but I won't. 

Good idea or noteworthy idea 


I'll keep that in mind, but I'm not sure about adding itヾ(•ω•`)o


I just wanna ad how amazing this is. Its a very well done game and i cant lie the NSFW parts are spectacular. Keep at it and thanks for the game! Youre one amazing dev


Hello, I played on android and this is the best game where normal graphics are the ability to move than these RPGs where you just need to press the screen, but there is also a minus 1) aim for a long time while aiming you are already raped by bugs, in 2) there are only 3 animations beetle, zombie, zombie foot, I wanted more monsters and more spectacle in 3) I ask you to do that zombie could break the clothes of the main character, I hope the Author will notice and I can't wait for new updates


There will be more monsters later. Also, clothing breakage may be in the next game(。・∀・)ノ゙

Say uh sorry to comment again but I was wanting to ask how many game overs will the new version have or is it just only the female one for now?

If I'm not mistaken there'll be 1 with zombie girls but in 5 stages including transformation into futa-zombie


Patience dude, he's polishing his masterpiece( ̄︶ ̄)


I hope you will add pregnancy upcoming update, support you(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤

(1 edit) (+2)

3 days left for the new update (⁠┛⁠✧⁠Д⁠✧⁠)⁠)⁠┛⁠彡⁠┻⁠━⁠┻

+ Will u add pregnancy to the upcoming update?


Yes, will containo ( ̄︶ ̄)↗ 


I bet that ur game will beat Hailey's treasure adventure  

I'm more agreed if this game can beat parasite in city (because this game kinda familiar with parasite in city)


Really good job, the only thing is that the hitbox for the female zombies works weird, it only hits when very close and the insect hitbox is also weird when doing melee. For the rest it's perfect.

Especially bugs, gun is the only way to beat them but thx for savefile editor ammo is unlimited

(1 edit) (+3)

I saw the rat and was wondering if the pregnancy mechanic will work with the rats or  is it just insects? 

I am hoping the rat can make her pregnant like the bugs can. 


Currently only bugs can.

but other types may be added in the futureo(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ


Question will the broken mop stick be the only melee weapon for her or will she be able to get a better weapon like a baseball bat if not could it be possible that she upgrades it into a more better spear like a knife at the end of the mop for more damage then dealing with 5 hits for zeds


maybe not, but there will be other gunsヾ(•ω•`)o


Aww well alright then more guns for us also any chance your be making an discord server down the road when this game gets more updated?


I have no plans to create a discord yet, maybe in the future (;′⌒`)







1.枪是否可以考虑一下自动瞄准最近敌人,手动瞄准稍微有点麻烦 2.可以加些小意外,比如枪械概率卡壳等 3.希望可以添加更多武器(我已经迫不及待想用机枪暴打了) 4.僵尸种类可以增加,比如自爆僵尸(靠近你自爆然后束缚一段时间),粘液僵尸(攻击后降低你的移动速度),毒液僵尸(可以远程攻击,不过尽量在屏幕内,不然可能会莫名其妙去世) 5.医疗室可以让玩家获得一个类似我的世界生命回复的效果,医疗包过于稀有了,然后弹药可以周期性填补,类似战争雷霆中的机场 6.祝作者越做越好!加油!


很好的想法。之後釋出的版本會增加步槍,也可以在保存點恢復生命o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o


什么时候更新版本∠( ᐛ 」∠)_


2/18 更新 o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o


You have potential, it won't take long for this game to become known elsewhere. Keep it up!  (灬ºωº灬)♡


Hi, I'll write this in English Sorry 😔

But I would like to leave a comment to the game( I played this on Android)

First of All, I really liked the art style and everything else, I also like to point out that this is a enjoyable game I actually really liked it

Now I would like to point out some bugs that I encountered. The first one was about the attacking animation sometimes it doesn't really register that im attacking and Syahata Is just standing there tanking the hits While im mashing the attacking button, And I think this is only for me but the screen is to big that most of things doesn't fit in my screen in instance the options I have to turn my phone to portrait mode in order to check my characters condition and etc

Now I would like to leave some recommendations for the game (My opinions ehe) 

First, When starting the game it would be nice to add like a little backstory on how the zombies appeared and etc etc 

Second, The Aiming Speed for the gun, it would be nice if it were a bit faster cuz its so slow its hard to aim the bugs and u think it would be nice to add the remaining magazines available for the gun 

Third, I Think it would be nice to add different sex positions and etc

Fourth, I think it would be nice to fix the ui and for the loading screen 

And Lastly, I cant wait for the future updates this game has and this actually has many potential Keep up to good work mate


thanks for your advice. I'll add some backstory if I have timeヾ(•ω•`)o


Can someone translate me the poll that JaShinn has put on Ci-en ? 

I can't manage to translate it :(


If Google Translate doesn't lying to me, it's about dialogues

1 dialogues is cool and let them be ingame

2 I'm against about it

3 I don't care, whatever

I'll repeat that's according to MTL


Okii thks a lot ^^


Have you fixed the ui for android yet on the next beta release?


yes i will fix it( •̀ ω •́ )y




Thanks for reporting, this is something I hadn't noticed(o゜▽゜)o☆


Will the character be a bit inflated when they get more fluids into them or not?


liquid expansion may be added in the future  φ(゜▽゜*)♪


Hello, author JaShinn

This comment was translated by me using the translator, which may deviate from what I expressed.

The game is very good, with beautiful pictures and smooth movements. I like this kind of painting style and the game in the background of doom very much. What makes me most happy is that there is Chinese in the game! I have played many ACT and RPG games, and found that many of them do not have Chinese, which brings me a lot of trouble when playing. (o゜▽゜)o☆

I found a bug when I was playing. If I go to the teacher first instead of the basement, he won't give you the gun and key after talking with the teacher. Instead, he said that the electric switch is open, and the shutter door can't open the basement, and can't go there. The direct card can only be closed from the beginning.

There is a little dullness in the melee attack, and sometimes we can't hit. Apart from these two questions, everything else is very good.

Then I hope that when updating later, I can save more files at the archive point, or I can select chapters and so on after customs clearance. You can turn off the option of falling to the ground in the settings. Enemy creatures can also update their tentacles, mutant plants or insects (I prefer), and the game content will be richer if some traps are added. It depends on the author's preferences.(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و

Finally, I hope the author's game will be better and better. Thank you for letting me play such a great game! o(〃'▽'〃)o








Thank you for your return. I will try my best to realize your idea(o゜▽゜)o☆

(1 edit) (+2)





  • ダメージを受けずにダウンする方法(特定のボタンを押す など)
  • 敵が一定確率で回復用のアイテムを落とす




Thank you for your thoughts. In the next version, there will be the ability to enter the bondage state without taking damageヾ(•ω•`)o



Say sorry first,I use machine translation,May be difficult to understand and inappropriate choice of words 。In Chinese quite right“生草”

I think food can be added,Food can be obtained by searching desks,This can be used to restore a small amount of life。(中国有一句古话:人是铁饭是钢一顿不吃饿的慌。٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶)

Subsequent monsters  can add:Soldiers in full force,After all, soldiers can't guarantee against infection,robber,After all, there will always be robbers in chaos。Add equipment to increase defense And resist the monster's attack(即使再厉害的士兵有可能会被空气中的病毒感染,像极了马奇诺防线⌓‿⌓,强盗嘛不管哪个时代都有根本无法根除(งᵒ̌皿ᵒ̌)ง⁼³₌₃)

Maybe we can add new weapons for instance : baseball bat  ,Badminton racket,Bow and arrow。(我能想到只有这个,或许作者早就想到了,看来我太缺乏想象力了,QAQ )

Worldview can be......  ......  ...... Biological variation caused by nuclear waste water  or   Star-spangled flag of Strange virus (调侃一下福岛和德特里克堡,霓虹排放核废水是真的离谱,明明可以多出钱来做装污水的东西,阿美瑞卡没少做缺德事说不定哪天又搞什么小动作 („ಡωಡ„))or Viruses dropped by alien organisms  Only people with strong resistance have no mutation。The protagonist can learn about it through the security zone or through the grapevine。If you have already thought about it, follow your instructions。


Will it be possible to uncensor(demosaic) the genitals? 


The version here will not have mosaics.ヾ(•ω•`)o


I apologize in advance for the construction of the text, problems with copying.


Good evening, I'm looking forward to the upcoming update, but I would like to clarify whether it will have a gallery mode and if so, what will it be like? But anyway, regardless of the answer, I wish you success and a speedy completion, but will the corruption system and new NPCs (living-fallen) be added in this update? And can you tell me an approximate release date? Sincerely, Deman Atlan.

Yes, there will be a gallery mode.

There will be a corruption system, but it's not perfect, and there will be new NPCs.

The release date will be around mid-February(o゜▽゜)o☆


es buen juego pero cuando lo jugué en mi teléfono iba mal, cuesta mucho para agacharse y el menú no sale en horizontal, pero bueno no me puedo quejar si es una beta

my comment is in spanish 


Thank you for your feedback, there are some problems in the current mobile version, and it will be fixed in the next version( •̀ ω •́ )y


if you dont mind me asking, how big will the update be?

like how long it should take to beat or in comparison to the game as of now?


I'm not sure yet, I'll post when I'm sure(;′⌒`)


no matter the size of it i'm excited regardless, keep up the good work!

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