Is it too much work to work on languages within a game? Because if it was easy I would like the Spanish or Portuguese language to be added, I'm Brazilian and I'm a huge fan of the game, it would be much more fun to play by reading the lines in the language I speak best
The camp:the camp is the camping place for the soldiers and it was soldiers,medic, and survivors you can go to the armory place to get a new gun but once you travel at the end you have a choice of (leave) or (stay)
Ak-47 is a gun that can only be contained in the camp it's like the big gun (I don't know the name of the gun) but better
Idea #3: map2
Winter:after you leave the camp you meet with 3 female soldiers fighting a 2 Zombie polar bear (don't ask how did it get there) the 3 female soldiers. 1 manage to escape but the 2 was dragged into the showy forest to be breed
Idea#4: enemy/map3
Zombie Polar bear:it is a fast boy and a strong one
Mini polar bear: this fucking kid will hard to take off because it can bite your arm while fucking you
Undead male soldiers: has the ability to shoot you but can fully kill you to avoid this once the undead soldier shoot lay down because it has a aim of a fortnite NPC combine with a stormtrooper
Cave:this is where the polar bear and the mini polar bear live you must get to the end of the cave to save the 2 female soldiers but be careful the polar Bear is smart enough to ambush you and set a trap
I wish he add a big community to help im making the game more quickly and bigger because its a masterpiece and it as so much more potential for that game and he is my best creator too
This game has surreal potential, normally after playing an adult game a lot I get tired and delete it, but in the case of this game here it's very different, I think I've played it 400 times and I never get tired, I come to the site every day to find out any news about the upcoming update
Hi, I have a question: Why are the videos censored? This wasn't the case in the older version. Will there be an uncensored version or will the censorship remain?
Hola jashinn, quiero hablarte de algunas ideas que tengo.
No creo que lo recuerdes que hace muchos meses mencione en un comentario con la idea de que el juego pudiera tener un final buena y un final malo.
Y viendo como termina el combate con el jefe final tuve una idea y si al igual con la puerta tentaculo en la zona de tentáculos y el caballo en el granero tiviamos las opcion de hacer sierta cosa al final cuando el jefe final reviviera.
Mi idea trata de que dependiendo del nivel de corrupción de Syahata si estubiera alto o al máximo teníamos la opinión de "seguir luchando" terminado igual cuando llegaron los soldados a rescatarnos o "rendirnos" al jefe final y someternos a ella convirtiéndosela igual a la mujer planta de la segunda fase del jefe teniendo así el "mal final" de syahata.
O tal vez después de rendirnos desbloqueamos una animación game over oculta de como te comente syahata se convierte en una mujer planta similar a la animación de zombie femenina
Bug report: if you hit the enemy at the same time when it catches you, the whole game bugs out and you need to reload. Your character disappears, you can't struggle. Nothing. Stuck.
Nice! Unfortunately I couldn't upload screenshot because itch error, but to me the bug specifically happened in swamps with the white monsters with flower heads (both variants). So I think the criteria for this bug to happen are 1. Enemy only has H-attacks (grabs you instantly without dropping on the floor with attacks) 2. Enemy has hurt stun animation if you attack them.
So what happens is when you hit enemy and they grab you at the same time, Syahata disappears, enemy becomes permanently stunned as if the H-scene starter. You can see the struggle bar but can't do anything. Just stuck forever
1) Jashinn que hermoso juego creaste, uno me los mejor juegos H que si merecen la pela jugarlos.
2)Con esta última actualización creo que se viene algo increíble, y creo que su actualización se vendrá a finales de año por qué con ese final (con la aparición de los militares) creo que se vendrá una batallas super épica.
Posdata: Jashinn ¿Pondrás algo de Yuri en las próximas actualizaciones?
I just fell asleep While playing the game and I just woke up and see this shit // I use some clicker that automaticly press the Z button and X button //// Luckily no one caught me
i have a better idea. the enemies in the christmas area wont stop and it also dont damage u when they start again. so i got my character w 21 Liters inside💀☝️
I cant read japanese and it seems to me that i need to subscribe and cant actually puchase the game itself, also i am unable to use any of these purchasing options
If you are on pc, right click a page to see the option to translate it. You may have some problem purchasing, so I suggest reading frequently asked question in that case. If you are on mobile, I don’t know. You can find some page-translator app. That’s pretty much what I can help
Why i cant beat the plant boss even tho i saved my ammo till end 15 in handgun and 11 at rifle... how much HP does it have ...... i didn't even reach the boss second phase too .... i am stuck in first phase of that plant boss..... is there any one here could help me out .... i really really want to beat it
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Will the game be available on iOS?
It’s only Windows and Android sorry I’ll talk to jashinn
This is my little word for jashinn Is he have any helpers to make this game or just Jashinn only develop this game alone
I made it alone ヾ(•ω•`)o
then you are doing a great job
Ohh no Sorry to hear that but you made it a good job
Why the game is not purchasable
Random thing on itch’s rule. Go to ci-en on jashinn’s profile
Is it too much work to work on languages within a game? Because if it was easy I would like the Spanish or Portuguese language to be added, I'm Brazilian and I'm a huge fan of the game, it would be much more fun to play by reading the lines in the language I speak best
Text is difficult to manage.
New languages may be considered for addition in the futureヾ(•ω•`)o
I MUST KNOW! what type of tank is at the end of the 0_88_4 test
The camp:the camp is the camping place for the soldiers and it was soldiers,medic, and survivors you can go to the armory place to get a new gun but once you travel at the end you have a choice of (leave) or (stay)
Ak-47 is a gun that can only be contained in the camp it's like the big gun (I don't know the name of the gun) but better
Idea #3: map2
Winter:after you leave the camp you meet with 3 female soldiers fighting a 2 Zombie polar bear (don't ask how did it get there) the 3 female soldiers. 1 manage to escape but the 2 was dragged into the showy forest to be breed
Idea#4: enemy/map3
Zombie Polar bear:it is a fast boy and a strong one
Mini polar bear: this fucking kid will hard to take off because it can bite your arm while fucking you
Undead male soldiers: has the ability to shoot you but can fully kill you to avoid this once the undead soldier shoot lay down because it has a aim of a fortnite NPC combine with a stormtrooper
Cave:this is where the polar bear and the mini polar bear live you must get to the end of the cave to save the 2 female soldiers but be careful the polar Bear is smart enough to ambush you and set a trap
That's all and also you can add more if you want
Thanks for the suggestion o( ̄▽ ̄)d
Go to jashinn’s itch profile. You’ll see an ci-en link there. And if you can’t read japanese on that page, think of some way
Do you already have a date set for the release of the next version?
Maybe in may I don’t know
There is no date set. But before the update (a random amount of time), jashinn will say the release date.
Yeah I think The game is no special for public
I have a problem when i click on animations it kicked me from the game is it just me🤷
I don’t know if this help, but here’s what jashinn said: “ You can check if your phone supports Vulkan API.
If yes, you can try to restart your phone or update the android version
This issue should have been fixed in version 0.88.4b. Currently version 0.88.4b is not released here yet.”
Yp my phone support it
Alright ty ig i need to wait for the update
Cude it be so when you decide not to hide from the horse you have a fighting scenario
There is enough suggestion, but I’m not here to discourage you
Jashinn I See your spelling in words is actually a bit good so I'm gonna help
If it's ok for you
Syahata I should help him I’m very good at English
Jashinn this I just me BeeyooEZ just change my name
Jashinn is totally my favorite creator now
I wish he add a big community to help im making the game more quickly and bigger because its a masterpiece and it as so much more potential for that game and he is my best creator too
This game has surreal potential, normally after playing an adult game a lot I get tired and delete it, but in the case of this game here it's very different, I think I've played it 400 times and I never get tired, I come to the site every day to find out any news about the upcoming update
jashinn does new update soon or Will be next week or month?
Expected in may. Maybe after that, considering an update takes so long
Damn Man I’ll have to wait for long
Jashinn cant even fix this bug
You can check if your phone supports Vulkan API.
If yes, you can try to restart your phone or update the android version
This issue should have been fixed in version 0.88.4b. Currently version 0.88.4b is not released here yet.
Hi, I have a question: Why are the videos censored? This wasn't the case in the older version. Will there be an uncensored version or will the censorship remain?
Type “C 0” in to console. It’s an zero
Ahhh, thank you :3
how to access the console on windows?
Click on the shadowed syahata on the game title
Hola jashinn, quiero hablarte de algunas ideas que tengo.
No creo que lo recuerdes que hace muchos meses mencione en un comentario con la idea de que el juego pudiera tener un final buena y un final malo.
Y viendo como termina el combate con el jefe final tuve una idea y si al igual con la puerta tentaculo en la zona de tentáculos y el caballo en el granero tiviamos las opcion de hacer sierta cosa al final cuando el jefe final reviviera.
Mi idea trata de que dependiendo del nivel de corrupción de Syahata si estubiera alto o al máximo teníamos la opinión de "seguir luchando" terminado igual cuando llegaron los soldados a rescatarnos o "rendirnos" al jefe final y someternos a ella convirtiéndosela igual a la mujer planta de la segunda fase del jefe teniendo así el "mal final" de syahata.
O tal vez después de rendirnos desbloqueamos una animación game over oculta de como te comente syahata se convierte en una mujer planta similar a la animación de zombie femenina
Gracias por la sugerencia o( ̄▽ ̄)d
Bug report: if you hit the enemy at the same time when it catches you, the whole game bugs out and you need to reload. Your character disappears, you can't struggle. Nothing. Stuck.
Thanks for the report b( ̄▽ ̄)d
Nice! Unfortunately I couldn't upload screenshot because itch error, but to me the bug specifically happened in swamps with the white monsters with flower heads (both variants). So I think the criteria for this bug to happen are
1. Enemy only has H-attacks (grabs you instantly without dropping on the floor with attacks)
2. Enemy has hurt stun animation if you attack them.
So what happens is when you hit enemy and they grab you at the same time, Syahata disappears, enemy becomes permanently stunned as if the H-scene starter. You can see the struggle bar but can't do anything. Just stuck forever
When ssyahata got a little bit addicted with sex
Yeah I was wondering what the z button is used for. Looks like she’s luring enimies
1st: Hands up
2nd: Raise skirt
3rd: Fuck me
It's that new?
Yes I accidentally Just saw it
Its not new
When will the new update be? that I would really like to see the new version 0.88.5
no news from Jashinn yet I don't know
EveryDay I always Get my phone and Go in Jashinn Profile to have news if new version was released I was always Excited or impressed
banda ay mucha diferencia entre la versión de paga y la demostración? Que ya me pasa la 0.79 y me gusto y quiero saber si no es lo mismo
The paid has more game over. You also get the library, which let you watch all the scene
I would like if can be a zombification scene of trasform into all the other zombie
would be nice if there was an option to get back inside the horse hole
The death scenes are censored can someone tell me how to make them uncensored
Type "C 0"
Type in the console
Hey intense how do I Tag Jashinn in the comments
How to get to the console on windows?
Я думаю тебе понравится джашинн я старался 👍)
Джашинн я думаю тебе понравится снова идея про монстров и прочее : некрау фасции (Necraw Fascii). Разделенный мертвец. Мутировший волк канис. Мутировшее существо спящий. Мутировший мужской зомби стукач. Мутировшая женский зомби карга. Мутировшее существо изрыгатель босс. Мутировшая женский зомби плевунья мини босс. Мутировший мужской зомби рэтч босс. Мутировшее существо стикер. Мутировшее существо хоккер. Мутировший мужской зомби таллбой босс. Мутировшее существо брейкер босс. Огромное мутировшее существо огр босс. Мутировший мужской зомби с цветочной головой. Мутировший женский зомби цветочной головой. Мутировшее существо плесень. Мутировший кокон. Мутировшее гнездо мутантов там будут появляться различные мутанты и существа. Мутировшая женский зомби язва. Мутировший мужской зомби дикий гигант. Мутировший мужской зомби разоритель босс. Мутировший мужской зомби подрывник с паразитами. Мутировшая женский зомби ведьма босс. Мутировший мужской зомби яростный мясник. Мутировший мужской зомби крамп босс. Мутировший мужской зомби кислотный плевун. Мутировший мужской зомби вздувшийся труп. Мутировший мужской зомби ликвидатор босс. Мутировший мужской зомби джаггернаут мини босс. Мутировший мужской зомби ночной пожиратель. Мутировший мужской зомби живодер. Болотный толстый мужской зомби. Мутировший мужской зомби берсерк мини босс. Мутировший мужской зомби доктор дредд мини босс. Странглер мутировшее существо бегун 3 особь типа. Мутировшее существо скользкокрыл. Мутировший мужской зомби шокер мини босс. Мутировшие мужские и женские зомби песня смерти. Мутировший бледный мужские и женские зомби. Мутировшие мужские и женские зомби водяные. Мутировший мужской зомби шаркун. Мутировший красная зомби собака. Мутировшее летающее существо демон. Мутировшее летающее существо фаурес. Мутировший мужской зомби ревун. Мутировший мужской и женский зомби брайомил. Мутировшее существо скампер. Прото улей появляются различные мутанты и мини боссы около до 3-4 шт. Мутировшее существо чрево. Мутировшая женский зомби подрывник с паразитами. Пересохший труп мужской и женский зомби. Мутировшее существо кикимора. Мутировшее звероподопное существо страж. Мутировшее существо ласторог. Мутировшие нежные мужские и женские зомби.
Why are there so much mutated stuff. Jashinn won’t add that much in one singular update
Ну я думаю что будет намного интереснее, это они будут в разных следующих обновлений. Скажи пожалуйста кто тебе из них больше всего понравился?)
Ну может быть джашинн по другому, все поменяет в следующих обновлений.
Всем привет и доброе утро ✋
Has the game already updated? I'm a bit in doubt here it's saying version 0.88.6c essa e a versao nova?
Wait what? v0.88.6? What. Are you reading it right
What The Heck v0.88.5 isn't here yet
Dude Has Time Travel Machine
Because it doesn't exist yet or the game maker hasn't made it yet
so this is the new problem that I would face it too
Hi. Faced with such a problem, the boss just doesn't show up. what to do?
Did you get the latest version? If not, get it. You may also read the v0.88.3 development log
I think you'd better Download 0.88.4
I beat the game with stick
Damn you fucking got me rickroll
I thought you were beat the boss with a stick so
That's actually Smoothest Joke
джашин, у тебя спина белая :)
Solo puedo decir dos cosas.
1) Jashinn que hermoso juego creaste, uno me los mejor juegos H que si merecen la pela jugarlos.
2)Con esta última actualización creo que se viene algo increíble, y creo que su actualización se vendrá a finales de año por qué con ese final (con la aparición de los militares) creo que se vendrá una batallas super épica.
Posdata: Jashinn ¿Pondrás algo de Yuri en las próximas actualizaciones?
I just fell asleep While playing the game and I just woke up and see this shit // I use some clicker that automaticly press the Z button and X button //// Luckily no one caught me
i don’t have anything to say
yes you do have conversation think smarter not harder
always wondered what would happen if you kept getting caught
You will getting damage it's increass your health I always press Z to like surrender or you like to have sex with them
i have a better idea. the enemies in the christmas area wont stop and it also dont damage u when they start again. so i got my character w 21 Liters inside💀☝️
go to ci-en on jashinn/s profile
I cant read japanese and it seems to me that i need to subscribe and cant actually puchase the game itself, also i am unable to use any of these purchasing options
If you are on pc, right click a page to see the option to translate it. You may have some problem purchasing, so I suggest reading frequently asked question in that case. If you are on mobile, I don’t know. You can find some page-translator app. That’s pretty much what I can help
nvm i just found out i can buy it with digital prepaid credit cards
Good for you then
I really wanted to help Jashinn by his game i have many ideas for your game
I cant purchase the game.
go to ci-en on jashinn’s profile
jashinn I have a 1 problem about the gallery
How can we go back in title
Cause we have to press home button and open the game again
Hopefully you can add it in the next update ⊙﹏⊙
there should be a big Title button between the control arrows
no it’s just going to take you back in gallery
It doesn't for me, what version and update are you using?
Why i cant beat the plant boss even tho i saved my ammo till end 15 in handgun and 11 at rifle... how much HP does it have ...... i didn't even reach the boss second phase too .... i am stuck in first phase of that plant boss..... is there any one here could help me out .... i really really want to beat it
Shoot the tentacle that shoot the weird bomb