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Why'd they delist this?


I think Itch had a problem that Syahata looked underaged or something like that.

When is it on sale again?

I bought the game on that Chinese website and compared it to the version here and it's almost the same, with only slight differences and 2 new mobs.

“Chinese website”? What? It’s japanese… did you get scammed?

(1 edit)

Sorry, I'm bad at differentiating between Japanese and Chinese, so it doesn't matter to me. Anyway, I bought it on this page, that's what I meant: Dlsite

What the 2 new mobs exactly? I completed the game and unlock gallery, but first time heard about 2 new mobs. Can you tell me? 


Nah it will never be on sale ever again on itch. You can go to dlsite, fantia or ci-en to buy the game

Since I feel like you know more about this than me, can you tell me if you will continue making more updates to this game?

How can I visit the main page of the new game? I want to see it before purchasing.

How you kill the first boss?

Shoot him in the head continously

Will there be an update soon?  

When will the new game be released? I am curious❤️❤️

Why has the game stopped selling? I made an account purely to purchase this :((


Itch simply don’t like this game. You can go to ci-en,fantia or dlsite. You might have trouble purchasing, but scroll down until you see my post for someone having problem purchasing

(1 edit)

Will the new game available for android?

Btw, love your work man. Definitely worth to support

Yes, the new game can be downloaded on android

When we can play the new game of hassin ?



Can we have the free full version 


why ?
You do not want to pay work of ppl create this,
so why you think they should give you this for free ? Hm ?

because : you want this ?
if nobody is payed anymore for his work, games like this die.
Think about.

(1 edit) (+1)

Free full version? Then who the hell will pay for the dev to create new great games?

Hola soy nuevo 

Cuando sale próximo juego de Syahata's bad Day por favor  alguien que me pueda decir 

(1 edit)

¡Buenas!, por el momento parece que no habra actualizaciones del juego Syahata's bad Day, ya que el creador esta actualmente trabajando en la creación de otro juego, se estima que el lanzamiento del nuevo juego sera para finales de noviembre 

I can't seem to find this game on dlsite? Fantia is apparently outlandishly difficult when it comes to payments and I can't seem to navigate the site when its entirely in Japanese and doesn't seem to allow for translations on mobile. It also doesn't seem to be on ci-en either?

Here’s the dlsite

And for the ci-en, you have to subscribe to jashinn to download the game and the same goes for fantia.

If you have difficulty purchasing on dlsite, here’s what jashinn said:

You can use your credit card at Ci-en ヾ(ヾ(•ω•`)o

First you can go to the page to buy points:

Then select For Books (you will need to sign up for a For Books account).

Then select “More payment options” and use Card.

And this might help

This post is very helpful! I'm having some trouble with purchasing and wondering if you can help me further. I tried purchasing using the dlsite -> forbooks method, but I'm unable to use my card (I'm guessing because I'm US based). Do you know of any alternative methods to purchase the game that might work?

(1 edit)

how to kill the plant boss? I used more than 7 rifle mags and it didn't di

Aim the gun at the flower which shoots out the weird bomb

any cheat codes for android?

Go to twitter

So after investigating every pay option on DL Site, as I don't read japanese, I've come to the conclusion there is no payment option on there I can use to pay for this game from the US?  am I missing something?

(7 edits) (+1)

I pretty sure you can change the language in the top right corner.

And here’s what jashinn said:

You can use your credit card at Ci-en ヾ(ヾ(•ω•`)o

First you can go to the page to buy points:

Then select For Books (you will need to sign up for a For Books account).

Then select “More payment options” and use Card.

And this might help

Pls code uncensored

For the v1.0.5, there’s no way to remove censor, but it’s possible to do so in older version. Click on the syahata on the main menu above the “new game” button and put in “C0” (it’s a zero) and click at the end of that prompt (you will see a button)


Are you planning to update SBD anymore? Or just focusing on new game/s?

Where can I buy this game else 

You can go to dlsite, fantia or ci-en. Just google it

Will you still create a new version?


Guys, I think JaShinn forget something.

He forgot to update this mushrooms in the game.

I think it’s for the next game?

I'm not sure. But the next game use 3D graphic, right? And that mushroom was pixel graphic. I think It should for Syahata.

Could be another update for SBD that maybe adds some little changes.

In the next phase of shayata on a bad day, add one to the street at night and the legend of curupi, which will work out really well, bro. about surrender pose number 3 has her lifting her skirt showing it to the monster. I have ideas. If you want I can help


ndee vos tenes que ser un paraguayo si o si, porque conoces al kurupi

Bro- I badly want your game but the purchase system is bad, I wish I can buy it without a hassle..

You mean, you can’t buy it on dlsite?


So when will this game sell on itch again?

Never. You can find this on dlsite, fantia or ci-en. But not itch. Itch doesn’t like this game


When the new update is coming...?  Atleast how much time it's gonna take...?

(2 edits)

Just wait… do something else… like playing some games… and oh, play geometry dash :)

Hell yeah Geometry Dash is goated. I just found this game today, very glad I did, the scenes are fantastic. Do you plan on updating the game over time? Or eventually creating any new game/s?

i want to play on mac

I don’t think that’s possible sorry

Dumb question but why can I not purchase the game?

Itch doesn’t like it

when I lose to the first boss, for some reason my eran turns black and nothing else happens.

When is the release date of the new game?

The end of this month or somewhen after that

(1 edit)

Hlo jashinn Will u add new nurse adult game to Android version too?

Yes it can be downloaded on android

Thanks bro for replying.Do u know when the  game released?


I think it will be released by the end of this month or somewhen after that

Deleted 145 days ago

Do u know the name of that new game?

I can’t read japanese, but from what google said, it’s something like “nurturing cradle egg”. Don’t ask me what that means

다운로드 왜 중단 했습니까

(1 edit)

Excuse me how to delete censor when the game is over it still censor even I bought 1.0.5 version? (In android)

There no way to off censore currently

Is there game like this? For android

Found only slime outbreak

Hola solo queria preguntar con que aplicación  o plataforma etc. isieron las animaciones game over

as I remember "aseprite", and if you're talking about 3D, then the blender

How can I buy this game on Fantia? Or I can buy only one DLsite?

You can get this game on ci-en, fantia or dlsite. They all work

Good Evening, Will there be a sequel? of this wonderful Game...?

Yes there will, and it’s likely that it’ll be released by the end of this month or somewhen after that


Muchas Gracias Estare esperando, un gusto apoyarte Sigue asi ❤

what is the newest version?

Version v1_0_5.

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Was wondering how to unlock the gallery since the I went down to a enemy but only got a black screen. I'm on android if that helps.

What's your game version? (´・ω・`)?

1.0.5 version, sorry i didn't answer sooner.


The gallery will be unlocked after beating the game ~(=^‥^)ノ

Sry for spamming here. I wanted to ask does Jashinn have a patreon or something similar? I tried becoming a member through Fantia  and Ci-en but there is no Mastercard or Visa option for the credit card or at least I haven't found any.  Also a lot of it is in Japanese so it's really hard to navigate the websites.  

No, jashinn said he/she would consider making an acocunt on substar or patreon (I don’t really know; I forgor 💀). I can’t help you about the cards, but you can try translating the page. Just right click and choose “translate to…”

You can use your credit card at Ci-en ヾ(ヾ(•ω•`)o

First you can go to the page to buy points:

Then select For Books (you will need to sign up for a For Books account).

Then select "More payment options" and use Card.

Is there a way to remove the censorship (blurry) from the animated scenes when you HP drops to zero and also in the gallery.?

For the v1.0.5, there’s no way, but it is possible to do so in v0.88.4.


Got it. Thanks for the reply. I'm looking forward to Jashinn new game.

Привет разработчики я видел в телеграмме где упоминалась ваша игра и там говорилось что можно отключить цензуру в кат-сценах это правда? 


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