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你可以在我的Ci-enfantia查看开发进度 ヾ(•ω•`)o

What does the latest patch mean ? I dont understand it sorry ?

Where can I buy the latest version, I will pay for it. I just hope I can pay with card. Help me :(

You can buy it on my DLsite

If you have a visa or mastercard, you can try the following.

First you can go to the page to buy points:

Then select "Purchase points using a credit card" (you will need to sign up for a For Books account).
Then select “More payment options” and use Card.

(1 edit)

Thank you, now I have it again, I've missed this game

Why is there No pay Option?

Wanted to buy but there is No Button or anything?

This site is currently closed for sale.
You can buy it on my DLsite 

Do the have the Game for Android there?

Yes, both versions are included. ヾ(•ω•`)o


will there be a steam release?


It’s unlikely that jashinn even knew about the existence of steam tho…

I was just hoping there would  be a steam release since there's already plenty of eroge on steam anyways, from kagura games, 072 project, shiravune, etc.

This game is very similar to another game called Parasite in the city.


Que Jogaso Muito Bom

How long for next update

Que día de febrero sale el nuevo juego??

Se supone que a finales de frebero

Que dia vai ter a próxima atualização 

Hello, I want to download the new version and I want everything to be perfect. Thank you.



I can't buy this game. why?? 


itch doesn’t like this. Instead, you can go to ci-en, fantia or dlsite to buy the game

Whys it stop being sold?

itch doesn’t like this

i genuinely wonder why the creator decided to stop allowing the game to be purchased, there has to be a reason why the creator decided to skip out on the extra funds they could have gotten out of this


Itch decided that this game can't sell here, not JaShinn.


syahata dint try to save some people we see but why she dint like some people like the first girl we see in start of the game and if some one said (she cant save first girl we see in start of game beceaus she got infected )no she well get infected if she got some backshots from a zombie girl but she got backshot from zombie boy

Can you tell me the code to remove the mosaic?C 0 doesn't work

If you got the game from dlsite, the censorship can’t be removed


nice... so I can't buy the game anymore... great

You can go to ci-en, fantia or dlsite to buy the game. Itch doesn’t allow purchase for some reason

(2 edits) (-1)

I wish @jhasinn release like a season 2 of this game sittuated in the same part that the first Game end like an invasión inside or something ( pls do that you know that the people LOVE this game)

no beceaus syahata have found a safe zone now she live normale life

No but i mean that the place can be attacked by monster or something like that

it cant

if you see all secret's you well kown it cant need to kown wed your self

Na, i dont understand 

If you notice, you will find that all the places we visited have the same logo as the one in the place where she lives now, because the owner or owners of that place are the reason for the spread of monsters and enemies. They can control some of those monsters that do not have a heart, and they also have defenses and gates that prevent monsters. From approaching, and if you examine the school carefully, you will find the logo there, which means that they sent the enemy there

Wird es diesen Monat ein neues Spiel geben?


i enjoyed the game all all but do tell are you working on a new project or was this the one and only

(1 edit)

The creator IS working ina new Game in 3d the people says it will be released in frebuary but only a demo not the entire gane

what date was the game released

At the end of this month

what is the name


Any one know how to fix with gallery game over stuttering on andriod ver.?

You can try turning off full screen mode in the options and lowering the resolution ヾ(•ω•`)o


Hello, I can't pay (my cards don't fit) can I try to pay by direct transfer or something else?

Do you know what year it will come out to play?

Hey im a big fan of your game i would like to know if you are making a second game i would be really excited for there to be another game

(1 edit) (+3)

Yes jashinn is now working on a new game. Go to ci-en to see the progress of that if you want to.

There are ram usage spikes on screen transitions that crashes the game. Please fix it.

Maybe your pc are too old…? I see no problem

it works fine everywhere else (everywhere else I've been in can't get past the forest bc of that)


I have a few questions:

Do you have a discord?

Is your second game a continuation of Syahata's Bad Day or is it a compleatly different project?

  1. No, jashinn doesn’t make an official discord.
  2. The new game is a different project, though jashinn stated that there will be times where the new character meets syahata.

so it's like a new game but a continuous way?


the new game have defrent story and not continuous of syahata bad day and the new character well not meet syahata

Jashinn said that the new character will meet syahata, but only for a short scene


There is no discord server yet. ~(=^‥^)ノ

The new game has the same worldview as Syahata.

Shame this game is no longer being worked on.

(1 edit)

Guys, do you know how to beat plant boss only with ammo that the game gives you before the boss?

im stuck at that part too does anyone know how ?

I FIGURED IT OUT, you need to shoot EXACTLY at it's red core when it is recovering, took a few tries but it worked for me

uhhhh thanks bro, ill try it later but in android its too difficult aim the rifle and pistol without getting a hit 

Uhhhh actually 🤓, you can shoot it at anytime, not just when its recovering

(1 edit)

Does this game new version have any mod version with unlimited health

Nah, but you can modify to have unlimited ammo.

(4 edits)

(1 edit)

XD. I’m not gonna use it though… I don’t want to get banned by people

Habrá algún mod para el juego? 

Tienes un enlace para estar en tu grupo de discord???

Para cuando lances tu nuevo juego estar preparado para comprar tu nuevo lanzamiento 

Checking on any update!

(Still no updates:<)

There won’t be any more updates on this game, but the next game will be out in february (expected)



An idea I had for future updates and I missed human enemies..... I know the game is about monsters but think to me, there are literally monsters invading the earth the few police there are are busy trying to deal with the monsters so the What would happen if thieves trapped in prisons escaped and met the game's protagonist? Ps: And just an idea, I really liked the game and I look forward to new content:-)


Do you plan to make the second 2D game with the same art style?

there a new game is coming but its 3D

No, he ditched the 3D for now as far as I know.

I plan to release a beta version before deciding whether or not to continue with the 3d project. ヾ(•ω•`)o

Hello JaShinn,

I wanted to ask if you have a community following for english speakers? I found a lot of your content on non-english sites and a forum, but I can't really follow you since I don't understand the language.

I enjoy your work, and would like to keep an eye on your next project.

Looking forward to your response.

I'm dead ass stuck on the plant boss. How do I beat it??? I use all ammo and it still not dead

When it's in plant form, you've gotta shoot the tentacle bit that's shooting at you. When it's human form you've gotta get headshots while it's charging its attack

I only use ammo on bosses, you should never use it on anything else really. Your stick is good enough for all enemies until you reach the grey runners.

hey I'm ben and I would like to know if you will make a 2 game of this

pls we trust on u we will help u ur game was so good we are waiting for this one too or an update of syahata a bad day

Ist die Geschichte des Spiels in der Schule oder im Krankenhaus?


how old in the character you play as in this game ?

(2 edits)

Certainly not under 18, otherwise we wouldn’t be here to play this

good just making sure thanks


When is the new game coming out?

Possibly next month


Is there still away to aquire the game?

Yes. You can get this game on dlsite, fantia or ci-en




The game is finished

Jashinn is now working in new 3d h game

so no additional update on it? like another enemies or bosses?😕

Unfortunately no, but I hope it get the censored bug fixed soon

can you recommend any game like this?

As far as I know, i didn't come across any game like that, tbh that game is unique.

But if u love female protagonist u can try that:

Star knightess aura

Third crisis 

!Ω Factorial Omega: My Dystopian Robot Girlfriend (not female protagonist)

Renryuu: Ascension (like star knightess aura but male protagonist)

Marie's Adventure (Gameplay like Star knightess aura and Renryuu: Ascension and female protagonist, but sadly still on alpha)

Ripples (one way story but I really recommend it, check my page) 

The Fixer (NSFW)

The Adventures of Kincaid (18+), on pc 

(3 edits)

Here are some of my recommendations for side scroll fighter/defeat sex:

Pure Onyx
Ghost Hunter Vena
Future Fragments
Escape Dungeon 1/2/3
Udonge in Interspecies Cave
Alien Quest Eve
Night of Revenge
Parasite in city
Castle of temptation

Disaster has a good selection as well.
Additionally if you like more challenging gameplay in the defeat sex genre, check out Badcolor.

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