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great game. first one i've ever paid money for. keep it up o⁠(⁠ ⁠・⁠ ⁠ᗜ⁠ ⁠・⁠ ⁠)b


love the animation can't what for the full release


Oi JaShinn, você já tem um nome para o seu próximo jogo? 

???- o seu próximo jogo se passará no mesmo mundo de shyarata ou ele não terá conexão com esse jogo?

Ainda não pensei em um nome.

ele terá a mesma visão de mundo. ヾ(•ω•`)o


(i use Google translate so sorry if I wrong somewhere)
i found a bug: if you get attacked by the small tentacles while crouching (the one that hatched from the eeg) The characters will stuck there with it forever 


Thanks for the report o( ̄▽ ̄)d

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Using Translator
Tell me, are you working on this game (which I figure you can finish this year if there are no problems) while working on the second game, or are you focusing on Syahata for now? and I have a suggestion (maybe for a future game if you have everything in mind for the first one), how about a futanari boss? female giant with vermin who can turn syahata into futanari and after the boss dies you will need to go through the level without the ability to use weapons through other vermin monsters (or not look at other caught so that the level of arousal does not increase) to get rid of the parasite cock and the penalty for sex will increase the parasite cock (and maybe even changing sex scenes to, for example,urethra penetrating and stomach bulge), but for this you will have to create a system of hide and seek, and the ability to fight off enemy captures.


Thanks for the suggestion, I expect to finish this game within this year.

The next game will start after this one is finished o( ̄▽ ̄)d



還不確定 (;′⌒`)


When is the release date? At least approximately!?

not sure yet (;′⌒`)


I love this game so much and I am happy to see it grow and have more plans. The change in dialog from not wanting sex to wanting it is amazing. I don't know what to say except that there needs to be more games like this. The only thing I don't really like is the controls on Android and I don't hate it, it's just not what I'm used to but, I like it. Keep up the good work because I love It👍


i played through the supporter version and the boss took me like 10 trys to beat i kept running out of ammo

(a difficulty system or infinite ammo on a certain mode would be nice )

Hey, can u ad me on Discord bc i want to ask u something Slv_07#0597

(1 edit) (+1)

I played all the demos, but the gallery doesn't appear on the main screen

did i get it wrong?

((What is the difference between the public version and the non-public version?

Deleted post

Oh thank you bro

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Related to commenter infestation07, the free version also doesn't have the complete game overs for the male zombie and fly enemies.

I beat the demo and I signed up for your Fantia straight away <3 I love this game really great job!


is there a limit to the number of eggs syahata can hold at once? i managed to get up to 68 at one point and now i'm curious. i'd also like to see more done with the larvae and eggs/pregnancy in general. it seems fun.

i'd like it if there were a way to pick up healing items and use them later instead of using them immediately. i kept finding them when i didn't need them and it felt like a waste ^^;


Por o jogo nao tem sistema de troca de personagem


Oi JaShinn, eu quero saber se você vai colocar abrabrasadores no jogo?


Provavelmente não. (;′⌒`)


what is the latest version to pc?


How do i kill the boss,after i shot him in the face plenty of times he then covers his face and when he covers his face i shoot his legs then he gets into like a down position and i cant damage it,what do i do?


you shoot him until he kneels down and the eye is unprotected, when that happens you shoot the eye with everything .

you need to doo that like 2 times


Oh alr then ty man


Also can i use stick when he kneels down?bc i always waste my ammo cuz my aim is bad


You can use sticks, but the damage is very low ヾ(•ω•`)o


Using stick actually works xd the devs should give more ammo each time the boss kneels,because some people are not that good


I'm playing on PC the 0_54b version and the game over scenes are always broken. Either there is one animation and then everything freezes or there is just a black screen. I'm not playing on full screen.

Otherwise everything else is working fine so far and this game is one of the best pixel hentai games i know :)


Can the animation be toggled in the lower right corner of the screen?

Currently only 3 enemies have animations, which enemy are you having issues with? (´・ω・`)?


the toggles dont work either. I would say all of them. I tried the zombie, the girl zombie and the big guy in gym. Sometimes i can see a a picture or the first animation, but it always stops after that and the whole game stops working. i can see the toggles at the bottom but they dont do anything really.


Try to update the graphics card driver and windows. ヾ(•ω•`)o

Have you tried using full screen mode?


yea i tried full screen mode and my drivers are up to date as usual. i wonder what settings/hardware are so different that it doesn't work. i even tried full hd resolution and only 60hz (over 60hz monitor was a problem with another game).... (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


Is there no problem playing other videos on your computer?

If possible, please give me the details of your computer configuration  ~(=^‥^)ノ


One of the best hentai action game on android i have ever played  and it's still on beta,9,5/10 bc the bad english,but i totally understand


This is only the public version right? How do we get access to the sponsored? 


You can pay $2 to get ヾ(•ω•`)o


This is one of the best action performer hentai game that ever play ever since Project X: love potion disaster. 

I have a few suggestions can we have non zombie human enemies: Sex addicted Humans (enough sex will turn them into zombies), hypnotized females with facehuggers and  weaker versions of the boss.

I do have some ideas on background elements like girls giving birth to eggs which are used as spawn points for insect larvae and an option to join the background characters

I hope you take ideas into consideration and please take your time on next update²


Thanks for the suggestion  o( ̄▽ ̄)d


how do you reload? im trying to do the bossfight but i always run out of ammo without knowing how to reload. Can someone tell me what button to use? (windows)


To manipulate the button, please check the txt file in the zip file ~(=^‥^)ノ


I found this game in Japanese in chrome named as tag after  school  9.2 also I know how tag after  school  is so I started so hard to find this game so glad I found it


I downloaded the full version of the game, but when I click on the "Gallery" button after finishing the story, my game crashes. What should I do? 

Try turning off full screen mode in the options (。・∀・)ノ



(but please think about it)

talking about her addiction, what if there was a visual thing  on screen to show the addiction level, higher it is and more zombie like she will act, just to reach the max addiction and change from prey to hunter (out of control) until SHE will rape a monster (really EXTREME scenes/animations)

and maybe a function like masturbating to reduce addiction levels?

Thanks for the suggestion  o( ̄▽ ̄)d


"The current test version requires a separate payment from the next version."

what do you mean?


It means that the payment is not a purchase of the game itself, but rather a sponsorship. But I may give the sponsor the official version of the game or a discount in the future ヾ(•ω•`)o


will you add more 3 subject scenes ?

like the zombie girls:  you and her - you and them.

pls add more.


More will be added in the future ヾ(•ω•`)o

(1 edit)

I play it on the phone and I don't know why it doesn't load the game when it reaches the sewer I press continue and the screen goes black and I only hear the sound and then the game closes

Maybe it's a lack of performance or compatibility issue.

Try turning off full screen mode in the options ヾ(•ω•`)o

I already tried it and it gives me the same error :'(

Try to enable hardware acceleration on your phone ~(=^‥^)ノ


Is the boss fight even possible? i used like 6 mags and stabbed him a ton he doesnt die

Seriously is annoying since i wanna know if there is more to the game but the boss in the gym is literally impossible to beat...


Shoot him in the face

Можно зделать "мужской режим" добавить зомби паразита который залезает в уретру и удлиняет клитор, приврашая его в Пенис. Новый трах с зомби девкой,новая мастурбация. Может быть и головоломка с стеной дырой, и ловушка онной. Где потребуется наличие пенис паразита чтобы открыть дверь)


Hi what would you think about doing a male mode ? 


I'm not sure I understand what you mean?

Do you mean the male protagonist? Maybe not  (;′⌒`)

(2 edits) (+1)

Sadly i got a bug when the game load my old save: black screen in game with only HUD.

Launching the game as admin work only if i start a new game and if i'm not trying to load the old save

There are some issues with loading old saves. (;′⌒`)



2美金 ヾ(•ω•`)o



目前2美金就可以了,預計之後會提供贊助者正式版遊戲或折扣 (。・∀・)ノ


我不明白你的意思? (´・ω・`)?



Hi! The last update is awesome, keep the hard work!
Would love to see a Full Nelson escene with one Humanoid enemy in the future, with the socks still on and no shoes if possible.

(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

is there any new update hint? and when?, Because I can't wait:3


I bought the latest version, but y is the gallery still locked, do I have to complete the whole story in order to unlock it ?


Yes ヾ(•ω•`)o


Do you have something in mind for the next update?

The game has a future, keep it up bro👍


I can't access the gallery, I have bought the game, but when the beta ends there is no gallery option, but is a good game anyway

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Did you download the wrong version。You should download files without "public" in the file name

Does the title have a gallery option?  (´・ω・`)?


no ._.

(1 edit) (+1)

Shouldn't I have installed the public version?


The public version is free, you should download another file whose name does not contain "Public" ~(=^‥^)ノ


I think you download public version not pay version


ok, thanks


found a text display error in the "continue" section, when exiting the game and re-entering the saved characters will disappear. the saved part is missing the text no problem

Thanks for the report (o゜▽゜)o☆


found a bug where if your about to lay eggs and start masturebaiting the game will hard stuck u in the laying down position

Thanks for the report o( ̄▽ ̄)d

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