Syahata's bad day v0.88.4
Syahata's bad day(v1.0.5) » Devlog

Fixed the problem of plant boss disappearing
Syahata's bad 508 MB
Mar 17, 2024
【Android】Syahata's bad day_v0_88_4.apk 565 MB
Mar 17, 2024
Public_Syahata's bad 213 MB
Mar 17, 2024
【Android】Public_Syahata's bad day_v0_88_4.apk 268 MB
Mar 17, 2024
Get Syahata's bad day(v1.0.5)
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Syahata's bad day(v1.0.5)
(18+)Escape the lewd zombies
More posts
- Syahata's bad day(ver1.0.5a) update20 days ago
- Syahata's bad day(ver1.0.5) updateJul 01, 2024
- Syahata's bad day(ver1.0.1) updateJun 27, 2024
- Syahata's bad day(ver1.0.1) release noticeJun 21, 2024
- 0.88.3 How to fix boss not visibleMar 16, 2024
- Syahata's bad day v0.88.2Mar 16, 2024
- Syahata's bad day (beta v0.88.1) updateMar 16, 2024
- Syahata's bad day(Beta ver0.88.1) release noticeMar 01, 2024
- Syahata's bad day v0.79.3cDec 26, 2023
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Nice game
Não estou conseguindo comprar o jogo, alguém aí sabe a maneira certa de comprar e fazer o pagamento?
Não está mais à venda aqui, teve algum problema com o site. Só dá pra "alugar" no Cien ou no Fantia (meio que redes sociais). Acho que tem os links por aí.
Why did you start using AI CG in your game? Your art was beautiful, now it looks generic and boring. I will not support AI art in games.
I don't understand where you see ai art. /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\
Why cant i buy the game on my android it says 404 error and stuff
You are thinking about continuing to update the game, right? And when will they update it again in this year 2024?
Will be updated at the end of June ヾ(•ω•`)o
When update full VERSION owo
When is the update coming?
Will be updated at the end of June ~(=^‥^)ノ
Is there gonna be a second chapter of this game like after getting to the shelter, syahata has to escape the shelter cause a few of the others turned into mini bosses n she now has to go to the second shelter closer to ground zero of the outbreak with more various new monsters
I can't but this it tells me page not found
This page has been discontinued for sale. You can get it on my Ci-en or Fantia
Cuando podré comprar el juego?, es que solo tengo la versión de prueba(beta) y veo que no puedo comprar el juego, porque?
Esta página ha sido descontinuada para la venta. Puedes conseguirlo en mi Ci-en o Fantia. ヾ(•ω•`)o
What is the difference between the paid version and the demo?
Paid version gives access to galleries and more GameOver animations ヾ(•ω•`)o
Jashin ya tienes todo el juego planeado y si es así cuánto porcentaje del el llevas y cuánto crees que tardes en completarlo?
Hey Jashin, let's say that the protagonist gives birth when she's full of
Gran actualización me encantó, espero con ansia la escena de game over con el perro y la araña, esperemos puedas agregar al caballo como jefe a futuro y que pueda derrotar a Syahata para que se pueda aparear con ella en diferentes posiciones.
Hello JaShinn, I have the lates update v.0.88.4 ( bought the game way back when the game was available) and I realized that its censored. Or is it supposed to be censored?
Type "C 0" into the console to eliminate censorship. ヾ(•ω•`)o
For how to open the console, please refer to the instructions on the main page.
Syahata's bad day(beta v0.88.4) by JaShinn (
It worked! Thank you. I'll be waiting with anticipation for the next update. Take care!
When is next update?
Would have purchased today but fantia doesn't understand how credit cards work and ci-en doesn't accept visa. Any update on when dl-site will be ready?
Hi there JaShinn,
good job on the game, I'm loving it so far. Will there be some story/lore added in the future?
Like: How did it happen? Is it a disease? Can everyone get infected? Something like that :-)
I also would like to see some transformation scenes : Schoolgirls turning in zombies, slimegirls or the main character turning into one itself. That would be nice to see.
And if it's possible could you add some more npc characters in the background like the first girl you see after leaving the toilet, the girl on girl(bathroom stall) and the girl riding on the boy ?
I wish you good luck and I'm looking forward to the finished version of the game ;-)