Syahata's bad day (beta v0.79) update
Syahata's bad day(v1.0.5) » Devlog

Syahata's bad day (beta v0.79) update
(public)Syahata's bad day_0_79.rar 116 MB
Sep 16, 2023
【Android】(public)Syahata's bad day_0_79.apk 104 MB
Sep 16, 2023
Syahata's bad day_v0_79.rar 216 MB
Sep 16, 2023
【Android】Syahata's bad day_v0_79.apk 142 MB
Sep 16, 2023
Get Syahata's bad day(v1.0.5)
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Syahata's bad day(v1.0.5)
(18+)Escape the lewd zombies
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- Syahata's bad day(Beta ver0.88.1) release noticeMar 01, 2024
- Syahata's bad day v0.79.3cDec 26, 2023
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Hey how soon will the next update be?
Una pregunta Jashinn estoy desesperado por la otra nueva version me puedes decir como cuando la tienes planeada subir porfavor xd
why can't i buy
もうitch.ioで販売再開しないかもしれない。 (;′⌒`)
still wait to buy😭
因為某些原因,目前暫時停止販售 ╯︿╰
不一定 ~(=^‥^)ノ
A me non fa acquistare la versione a pagamento mi dice che non esiste la pagina che sto cercando
Per alcuni motivi le vendite sono temporaneamente sospese. (;′⌒`)
can't buy ?
The creator already responded regarding to this problem, Unfortunately we can't really buy it right now as it was taken down for some reason. For the mean time i suggest playing the public ver
Found a bug.
in the gallery, playing the animation for the maggot plays the spider animation instead
Thanks for the report o( ̄▽ ̄)d
This game is so dog s*** stop removing content from the free version
quit whining like a baby, go play some of the games rated for your age and let the adults enjoy their games
get a job bro
How about you get a life
says the guy with no fcking job
can't even pay basic shit
how about you take your own
How bout yo mom take my coom
Loved the new enemies and animations! Looking foward to a newer version with more enemies!!! I see a lot of future for this game, you are the best!.
The only thing I would suggest is new animation for the enemies, some time ago I played shinobi girl, a h game and one thing that I loved is that every enemy has 2 sex animations!, that is sick, I think for the game could be a good idea!.
The new update for the game is good, but the only downside is that the Control has become bad.
Congrats, the game shows a lot of promise!
My personal feedback and what I'd like to see:
While everything is shaping up very good, I see a lot of potential on the unique "capture and escape" scene that happens with the spider after it drags you into the hole: segments like that could be used instead of a "Game Over", to keep the gameplay flowing instead of reaching a sudden stop, making the struggle of the protagonist more "real" without a force restart. This will allow you to also increase the damage dealt by the enemies and the relative difficulty, without the need to restart from a previous point.
There are very few games that do this and it would be quite unique and powerful if done right.
Love this update! Love thw work being done :) already bought and paid for the game but throwing in a donation for thiz :)
I would like to encourage you more, I really like this game, it is a great game that asks you to keep improving.It's a force.Be encouraging.❤️
The wentlands are the game why can't I continue further?..
make sure the version you play is 0_79
there are available:
0_79 paid version
0_79 demo / public version
0_54 free version (i think its the free one)
anyway you could downlod old version of the game
I have just read an comment from jashim that paid version also features new enemies, if thats true and not some translate error then you might need 0_79 paid version for this content
So the new update is impressive as always, but I have found two bugs:
1. If one reaches the next animation lust threshold or masturbates around the same time as when they should be giving birth (this only happened once with fly egg), they will be unable to interact with the game.
2. When caught by a tentacle (hanging and/or mouth are the only ones I have experienced), if one inputs the smash command fast enough, they will duplicate themselves and have to escape twice to actually be free. When only one of the duplicates is free, movement is limited, and the bug only stays active in the room where it was first found. It does not carry over to other rooms.
just realise that i could have taken a screenshot or a video 🤦will do it if it happend again
Thanks for the report (o゜▽゜)o☆
I bought the game, why is the animation on the sensor not like update54
I don't understand you? (´・ω・`)?
Cant wait for the next update Nailed it on this one, Love the work